Abstract: This article adopts a historical perspective to explore Jewish women’s experiences of anti semitism in Sweden. The empirical foundation of the study comprises interviews with approximately thirty women born in the 1950s, 1970s or 1990s, all of whom self identify as Jewish. Employing a dialogical epistemology rooted in intersectionality and shared authority, the study emphasises both the content of the women’s life stories and the ways they interpret and articulate their experiences. A key finding of this study is that the fear of antisemitism is a persistent presence in the lives of most participants. A notable continuity over time is the school, which emerges as a recurring site where Jewish women have experienced a sense of being different. However, there is a generational shift in how these experiences are interpreted. Women born in the 1990s are more likely to identify such experiences explicitly as antisemitism, compared to those born in the 1950s or 1970s. Another significant conclusion is that understanding Jewish women’s stories about antisemitism requires these accounts to be situated within broader relational contexts, encompassing both their own and others’ experiences as well as both contemporary and historical processes. Past experiences are often reactivated by current events, such as the attack of 7 October 2023. There is also a before and after 7 October. After 7 October, the fear of antisemitism increased, and some women describe the fear as constant or existential.
A general conclusion in the article is that the fear of antisemitism is present in most of the women's lives. A continuity over time is that the school is a place where Jewish women have experienced that they are different. Women born in the 1990s interpret these experiences to a greater extent, than the women born in the 1950’s and the 19970’s, as an experience of antisemitism. In this respect, our results differ from previous international research showing that older people in particular experience and regard society as antisemitic, while younger people do not do so to the same extent.
A further conclusion is that to understand women's narratives about experiences of antisemitism, these should also be understood in relation to the experiences of others both in the present and in the past, since these form layer upon layer of experiences that are actualized by current events such as October 7. There is also a before and after October 7. After 7 October, the feeling of insecurity has increased, and some women describe the fear as constant or existential.
Abstract: This book addresses the issues of memory (a more suitable word would be Marianne Hirsh’s term of postmemory) of the Holocaust among young Poles, the attitudes towards Jews and the Holocaust in the comparative context of educational developments in other countries. The term “Jews” is, as rightly noted Joanna Tokarska-Bakir (2010) a decontextualized term used here in the meaning of Antoni Sułek (2010) as a collective “symbolic” entity. The focus was on education (transmitting values), attitudinal changes and actions undertaken to preserve (or counteract) the memory of Jews and their culture in contemporary Poland. The study to which the book primarly refers was conducted in 2008 and was a second study on a national representative sample of Polish adolescents after the first one undertaken in 1998. The data may seem remote from the current political situation of stepping back from the tendency to increase education about the Holocaust which dominated after 1989 and especially between 2000 and 2005, nonetheless they present trends and outcomes of specific educational interventions which are universal and may set examples for various geopolitical contexts.
The focus of this research was not primarily on the politics of remembrance, which often takes a national approach, although state initiatives are also brought to the attention of the reader, but rather on grassroots action, often initiated by local civil society organizations (NGOs) or individual teachers and/or students. This study has attempted to discover the place that Jews have (or do not have) in the culture of memory in Poland, where there lived the largest Jewish community in pre-war Europe, more than 90% of which was murdered during the Holocaust. The challenge was to show the diversity of phenomena aimed at integrating Jewish history and culture into national culture, including areas of extracurricular education, often against mainstream educational policy, bearing in mind that the Jews currently living in Poland are also, in many cases, active partners in various public initiatives. It is rare to find in-depth empirical research investigating the ensemble of areas of memory construction and the attitudes of youth as an ensemble, including the evaluation of actions (programmes of non-governmental organisations and school projects) in the field of education, particularly with reference to the long-term effects of educational programmes. The assumption prior to this project was that the asking of questions appearing during this research would stimulate further studies.
The book is divided into three parts: Memory, Attitudes and Actions. All three parts of the book, although aimed at analysing an ongoing process of reconstructing and deconstructing memory of the Holocaust in post-2000 Poland, including the dynamics of the attitudes of Polish youth toward Jews, the Shoah and memory of the Shoah, are grounded in different theories and were inspired by various concepts. The assumption prior to the study was that this complex process of attitudinal change cannot be interpreted and explained within the framework on one single academic discipline or one theory. Education and the cultural studies definitely played a significant role in exploring initiatives undertaken to research, study and commemorate the Holocaust and the remnants of the rich Jewish culture in Poland, but the sociology, anthropology and psychology also played a part in helping to see this process from various angles.
Abstract: This report draws on data collected in June and July 2024, eight months after the October 7 attacks on Israel and in the context of the war in Gaza, to explore Jewish parents' understanding of whether their children have experienced antisemitism either at school, in the vicinity of school, and travelling to and from school. The research goes further to investigate whether parents would make different choices about where to educate their Jewish children in light of the events of October 7, the war in Gaza and the rise in antisemitism in the UK.
This is part of a growing body of evidence demonstrating how antisemitism can drive Jews away from participation in wider society, and that should be of concern to anyone who cares about building a more cohesive and understanding society. The findings raise critical questions for mainstream school administrators about how to manage the issue of antisemitism in their schools and, indeed, for government leaders about social cohesion.
Some of the key findings in this report:
A little under a quarter (23%) of British Jewish parents surveyed reported that their child or children had experienced antisemitism at school (12%), in the vicinity of school (6%) or travelling to or from school (9%).
Parents of children at a Jewish school are more likely to report that their children experienced antisemitism while travelling to or from school (13%) than at school (3%).
In comparison, those with children at mainstream schools are more likely to report their children experienced antisemitism at school (21%) than travelling to/from it (2%).
Three-quarters (73%) of Jewish parents with children in mainstream schools said that the October 7 attacks and the war in Gaza would not affect their choice about where to educate the children, but one in five (20%) said they would now be more likely to send their children to a Jewish school.
This proportion doubles (40%) for parents whose children have experienced antisemitism in, around or travelling to or from their mainstream school.
Just over half of Jewish parents with children in Jewish schools (52%) said that the attacks on Israel and the war in Gaza would not affect their school choice, with most of the remainder (46%) saying they would be even more likely to opt for Jewish schooling now.
Abstract: La ricerca rientra nel progetto PCTO sull’antisemitismo a cui hanno aderito 84 studenti di tre scuole superiori della Regione Lazio, due licei e un istituto d’istruzione superiore, insieme a Progetto Memoria e alla Fondazione CDEC per l’anno scolastico 2022-2023.
Studenti e studentesse delle classi terze e quarte, insieme ai docenti referenti hanno coinvolto Progetto Memoria quale tutor esterno (Sandra Terracina) e due dipartimenti della Fondazione CDEC (Betti Guetta, Stefano Gatti e Murilo Cambruzzi per l’Osservatorio antisemitismo; Patrizia Baldi per la Didattica) per sviluppare il progetto, ricevere formazione, essere coadiuvati nell’analisi e nella riflessione su stereotipi e pregiudizi, in particolare sugli ebrei. Tra gli obiettivi del progetto, la promozione di un processo conoscitivo sulle cause e sulle dinamiche dell’antisemitismo, indirizzato a far emergere comportamenti e atteggiamenti diffusi nella società, al fine di orientare ai valori di una collettività democratica e inclusiva, partendo dalla fotografia realizzata dall’indagine delle Fondazione CDEC. L’apprendimento di carattere storico, sociologico, psicosociale e statistico ha permesso agli studenti di sviluppare le attività a loro affidate. Sono stati stimolati a confrontarsi con figure esterne al mondo della scuola e a gestire, nelle varie fasi del progetto, dinamiche tra pari. Il lavoro di formazione e di tutoraggio si è tenuto in modalità ibrida.
Gli studenti coinvolti nel progetto di formazione hanno compilato un questionario (già utilizzato nell’anno scolastico precedente) finalizzato a valutare il grado di conoscenza degli ebrei e la presenza di pregiudizi e stereotipi nei loro confronti.
Il questionario è composto da 13 domande chiuse ed è stato somministrato tramite Google Forms, tra l’aprile e il maggio 2023, dagli studenti dei tre istituti che hanno partecipato alla seconda edizione del PCTO “Progetto sull’antisemitismo”.
La scelta metodologica è stata quella di coinvolgere nell’indagine i ragazzi del primo anno delle superiori e quelli dell’ultimo anno per cercare di valutare se il percorso scolastico (lungo 5 anni) possa avere un effetto sulla conoscenza degli ebrei e la condivisione di pregiudizi antisemiti.
In totale sono stati compilati 673 questionari 481 al liceo A (71.5%) e 29 al liceo B (4.3%), e 163 all’istituto d’istruzione superiore (24.2%). Il 73% degli studenti è iscritto al percorso scientifico e il 24% al tecnico, gli altri 3% si dividono tra il linguistico e il classico. Il 46 % degli studenti frequenta il primo anno e il 54 % il quinto. Il 45% ha dichiarato di appartenere al genere femminile e il 51% al maschile, il 4% rimanente non ha voluto indicarlo o ha indicato altro.
Abstract: The Educating Against Prejudice report by social psychologists at the University of Kent presents data on nearly 3,000 school pupils – before starting the Anne Frank Trust programme, after completing it, and again a year later.
83.8% of the young people progress in their knowledge of prejudice, and this increased knowledge drives a significant improvement in their social attitudes.
· 87.6% become more positive towards people from at least one of 12 social groups – Black, Christian, disabled, female, Gypsy Roma Traveller, Jewish, LGBTQ, male, Muslim, old, refugee and white.
· The greatest progress is towards Jewish people, with 59.8% of the young people becoming more positive. Among Muslim young people, the proportion making pro-Jewish progress is even higher – at 65.7%.
· 58% of young people retain their improved attitudes 12 to 18 months later. The long-term progress in attitudes towards Jews is 55% higher in locations where reports of antisemitism are above average.
Abstract: Continuity and Change: Ten Years of Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust in England’s secondary schools, published in 2023, explores the development of Holocaust education in the decade following the Centre’s landmark 2009 study Teaching about the Holocaust in English Secondary Schools: An empirical study of national trends, perspectives and practice
The Continuity and Change study examines teachers’ aims, definitions, content, pedagogy, assessment, knowledge, understanding, curriculum planning, challenges encountered and training experiences in 2019/20 and explores how this compares with the situation in 2009. Like its counterpart in 2009, the Continuity and Change study took a mixed methods approach. In total, 1,077 teachers from across England completed a comprehensive survey with 964 of them reporting they had taught about the Holocaust during the previous three years. Interviews were conducted with a subsample of survey respondents to discuss their teaching practice in greater depth. In total, 134 teachers from 45 schools across England took part in either small group or individual interviews.
Abstract: La ricerca rientra nel progetto PCTO sull’antisemitismo a cui hanno aderito tre licei della città metropolitana di Roma Capitale insieme a Progetto Memoria e alla Fondazione CDEC per l’anno scolastico 2021-2022.
In ragione di dinamiche interne a uno dei tre licei, l’avvio delle attività ha visto la rosa delle scuole restringersi a due: un istituto superiore del centro di Roma (Liceo A) e uno di Ciampino (Liceo B).
Studenti e studentesse delle classi terze e quarte, insieme ai docenti referenti hanno coinvolto Progetto Memoria quale tutor esterno (Sandra Terracina) e due dipartimenti della Fondazione CDEC (Betti Guetta e Murilo Cambruzzi per l’Osservatorio antisemitismo; Patrizia Baldi per la Didattica) per sviluppare il progetto, ricevere formazione, essere coadiuvati nell’analisi e nella riflessione su stereotipi e pregiudizi, in particolare sugli ebrei.
Tra gli obiettivi del progetto, la promozione di un processo conoscitivo sulle cause e sulle dinamiche dell’antisemitismo, indirizzato a far emergere comportamenti e atteggiamenti diffusi nella società, al fine di orientare ai valori di una collettività democratica e inclusiva.
L’apprendimento di carattere storico, sociologico, psicosociale e statistico ha permesso agli studenti di sviluppare le attività a loro affidate. Sono stati stimolati a confrontarsi con figure esterne al mondo della scuola e a gestire, nelle varie fasi del progetto, dinamiche tra pari.
A causa del perdurare della pandemia le scuole non hanno potuto ospitare le attività programmate con persone esterne e quindi il lavoro di formazione e di tutoraggio si è spostato in remoto.
Abstract: In Bezug auf die christlich-jüdischen Beziehungen wurde eine neue Ära mit der Kon-zilserklärung Nostra aetate des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils eröffnet. Seither vertieft die katholische Kirche das Bewusstsein ihrer Verwurzelung im biblischen Judentum und entdeckt ihre bestehenden Bande: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede mit dem heutigen und ununterbrochen lebendigen Judentum. Dies geschieht im Rahmen des christlich-jüdischen Dialogs, dessen Aktivität viele Früchte getragen hat. U.a. entstan-den zahlreiche kirchliche Dokumente und päpstliche Botschaften, die anlässlich ver-schiedener Treffen mit Juden ausgesprochen wurden, besonders zur Zeit Johannes Pauls II. Darüber hinaus engagierten sich für den Lernprozeß Christen Juden viele Wissen-schaftler und verschiedene Institutionen, denen dieses Thema bedeutend erschien. Die katholische Kirche betonte und forderte gleichzeitig dazu auf, dass das Thema Ju-dentum seinen angemessenen Platz im Religionsunterricht finden solle. Österreich er-reichte dieses Ziel, weil bezüglich des Judentums in den österreichischen Religionsun-terricht schon länger wissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse eingeflossen sind. Polen hat es jedoch noch nicht erreicht. Deswegen kann ein Vergleich des Religionsunterrich-tes in Österreich und in Polen ein fruchtbares Ergebnis bringen. Im ersten Kapitel wird die Entwicklung des christlich-jüdischen Dialogs auf der Ebene der Weltkirche, der polnischen und österreichischen Kirche beschrieben und gleichzei-tig gezeigt, was von kirchlicher Seite bisher in Bezug auf den Religionsunterricht in Hinsicht auf das Judentum unternommen worden ist. Dann, gestützt auf die Lehre Jo-hannes Pauls II., wird eine pastorale Reflexion bezüglich des Judentums im Religions-unterricht durchgeführt. Zwei Prioritäten werden erkennbar: das Kennenlernen und die Reinigung des Gedächtnisses. Die erste, das Kennenlernen der Verwurzelung der Kir-che im biblischen Judentum und des heutigen Judentums, ist mit dem Religionsunter-richt sehr eng verbunden. Die zweite, die Reinigung des Gedächtnisses, nimmt hinge-gen großen Einfluss auf die Denkweise und Prägung der Überzeugungen des Menschen, was sich auch im Religionsunterricht widerspiegelt. Sie hängt mit der Geschichte zu-sammen, die aus christlicher und jüdischer Sicht sehr oft unterschiedlich dargestellt wird. Deswegen behandelt diese Dissertation nur die erste Priorität, das Kennenlernen des Judentums, im österreichischen und polnischen Religionsunterricht. Der zweiten sollte eine andere Arbeit gewidmet werden, worin die Geschichte Polens vielleicht von einer christlich-jüdischen Kommission neu zu erarbeiten wäre. Im zweiten Kapitel befinden sich die Kategorien für die Analyse der Lehrbücher und Lehrpläne für den Religionsunterricht. Zuerst werden sie aus Peter Fiedlers Buch „Das Judentum im katholischen Religionsunterricht. Analysen, Perspektiven, Bewertungen― übernommen und dann zu den fünf Dimensionen – 1. Gemeinsames geistiges Erbe; 2. Jüdische Wurzeln; 3. Bestehende Unterschiede zwischen Christen und Juden; 4. Das lebendige Judentum und 5. Gemeinsame Aufgaben – zugeordnet. Danach, aufgrund der kirchlichen Dokumente und theologischen Bearbeitungen, werden sie alle beschrieben. Gleichzeitig muss betont werden, dass diese zugeordneten und beschriebenen Bewer-tungskategorien nicht nur einen Bezugspunkt für die Analyse der Religionsbücher, son-dern auch eine Grundlage des Unterrichts über das Judentum für ReligionslehrerInnen bilden. Das dritte Kapitel ist der Analyse der derzeit geltenden Lehrbücher (2 österreichischen Serien – 24 Bücher und 2 polnischen Serien – 24 Bücher) und Lehrpläne von der ersten Klasse Volksschule bis zur Reifeprüfung für den Religionsunterricht in Österreich und Polen gewidmet. Die Analyse besteht aus drei Phasen. In der ersten Phase wird eine quantitative Analyse durchgeführt. Dabei handelt es sich darum, dass alle Seiten der Religionsbücher jeder Serie, auf denen das Judentum vorkommt, gezählt und mit allen Seiten der Religionsbücher jeder entsprechenden Serie verglichen werden, um den Pro-zentsatz zu ermitteln. In der zweiten und der dritten Phase erfolgt die qualitative Analy-se. Zuerst werden alle Seiten, auf denen das Judentum betrachtet wird, in „explizit― und „implizit― eingeteilt. Dann werden sie als „zureichend― oder „unzureichend― bewertet. Jene letzte Unterscheidung betrifft nur die polnischen Religionsbücher. Das vierte Kapitel enthält Vorschläge für den polnischen Religionsunterricht, die zwei Gruppen zugeordnet werden. Die erste Gruppe betrifft jene Stellen, die als „unzurei-chend― erkannt werden. Diesen werden die notwendigen Informationen hinzugefügt, um in den aktuell geltenden Religionsbüchern verschiedene zwischen dem Christentum und Judentum bestehende Bande zu zeigen. Die zweite Gruppe besteht aus verschiedenen Themeneinheiten, die die Verwurzelung des Christentums im biblischen Judentum und das heutige Judentum ausführlich darstellen. Zuerst werden alle Themeneinheiten in Anknüpfung an den Tag des Judentums so vorgeschlagen, dass in der 12-jährigen Schulausbildung die gesamte Information zum Thema Judentum und Verwurzelung des Christentums im Judentum gegeben wird. Dann werden Themeneinheiten behandelt, die mit verschiedenen Anlässen wie z.B. die Erinnerung an den heiligen Paulus oder an die heilige Teresia Benedicta vom Kreuz sowie mit kirchlichen Festen verbunden sind.
Abstract: Today, the extermination of Jewish communities by the Nazi regime and its collaborators, namely the Holocaust, forms an integral part of the international political agenda. Although this dealing with the Holocaust appears normal for us today, this was not always the case, but is the result of extensive social and political processes. In the course of this development the awareness of the special relevance of the extermination of about 6 million Jews has increased. Since the 1990s a process has emerged, that can be characterized as the universalization of Holocaust remembrance. The commemoration of the extermination of the European Jews is no longer an exclusive part of the different national cultures of remembrance, but has become an integral part of international memorial policy. An important event in this context has been the “Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust” in the year 2000 where mainly European leaders as well as other high-ranking politicians, historians and teachers engaged with Holocaust education, Holocaust remembrance and Holocaust research. The idea was to establish an international organization that would expand Holocaust education worldwide. The aim of the present dissertation is to show how the Luxembourgian school system deals with this traumatic event that is the Holocaust and how it reacts as a system to expectations towards Holocaust and schooling, to find out how the school system works. The dissertation does not address questions as to show how the Holocaust should be taught in schools nor whether or not the Holocaust should be taught in schools at all. The dissertation analyses the particularities of teaching the Holocaust, as well as its role in the curriculum in a broader understanding of an analysis of parliamentary debates, syllabi, teaching material and the school practice. The latter includes the classroom settings and the so-called alternative teaching material like scholarly resources on the Holocaust like films, visits to museums, to concentration and extermination camps or the use of testimony from Holocaust survivors.