The European Jewish Research Archive aims to provide a comprehensive repository of social research on European Jewry since 1990. 
We seek to collect records of reports, journal articles, books and other materials that draws on research on post-1990 Jewish life in Europe, published since 1990. We include items in any language and, if possible, a translation into English of key information. EJRA's holdings on antisemitism concentrate on research that focuses on Jews' experiences of antisemitism. We therefore do not actively seek to collect research that looks mainly at antisemites themselves.  
We aim to include a downloadable pdf with every item record. In some cases, we do not have copyright permission to upload a pdf onto the archive (this is the case for most recently published monographs and scholarly journal articles, for example). Where possible, we have included links to downloadable pdfs on other sites. 
We need your help to make EJRA as comprehensive as possible: 
  • If you know of an item, written by you and someone else, that is not on EJRA, please get in touch
  • If you can supply us with a pdf, a scannable hard copy and/or are in a position to give us copyright approval to upload the item, please get in touch (note that, if you are an author of a relevant item and you do not own copyright for an item, you may still be permitted to provide the latest pre-publication draft.) 

JPR / Institute for Jewish Policy Research

6 Greenland Place

tel. +44 (0)20 7424 9265

The Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) is a registered charity (no. 252626) and company limited by guarantee (registration no. 00894309 London), registered office as above.