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Judenfeindschaft und Gefühl: Emotionsreflexion als notwendige methodische Ergänzung antisemitismuskritischer Bildung

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Feeling Jew-Hatred: Emotion Reflection as a Necessary Methodological Supplement to anti-Semitism-critical Education


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Antisemitism today is omnipresent, yet mostly misunderstood, underestimated and trivialized. In schools as well, antisemitic acts are becoming increasingly aggressive and expressible. To combat and prevent Jew-hatred has been the ongoing commitment of antisemitism-critical education. Nevertheless, a (critical) theory-driven insight into the functionality of antisemitism raises why the current educational practice that can be stated as merely imparting knowledge and facts is not sufficient but, urgently, must be supplemented by a self-related and emotion-reflective approach developed in this paper in order to be able to achieve more sustainable success on the educational level. The need to deeper reflect on emotions and the subconsciousness as major roots of antisemitism leads the author to the proposal of specific dialogical-introspective methods, which will be critically contextualized in the end.



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Link to article (paywalled), Judenfeindschaft und Gefühl: Emotionsreflexion als notwendige methodische Ergänzung antisemitismuskritischer Bildung

Bibliographic Information

Meier, Moritz Y. Judenfeindschaft und Gefühl: Emotionsreflexion als notwendige methodische Ergänzung antisemitismuskritischer Bildung. Aschkenas. 2022: 405-427.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1515/asch-2022-2016