Translated Title: Antisemitic Continuities in Images
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Youth Cultural Antisemitism: Why Young People Are Receptive to Antisemitic Resentment in Gangsta Rap
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Educational work against anti-Semitism Basics, Methods & Exercises
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Educational work against anti-Semitism Basics, Methods & Exercises
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Anti-Semitism Prevention in Schools: Pedagogical concept, conditions for success and effects of educational events with Ben Salomo
Date: 2024
Translated Title: “Maybe I’m waiting for a miracle.” Immigration of (post-)Soviet Jews from 1990 onwards and the stabilisation of the Jewish communities in the (former) GDR
Date: 2023
Translated Title: United in Resentment: Authoritarian Dynamics and Right-Wing Extremist Attitudes. Leipzig Authoritarianism Study 2024
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Antisemitic incidents January – June 2024 in Austria
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Anti-Semitism in schools. Perspectives of Jews
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Anti-Semitism and police: The example of Berlin
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Anti-Semitism in institutional contexts - social processes of interpretation and classification
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Criticism of anti-Semitism in education and counseling: Challenges Developments Perspectives
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Perceptions of anti-Semitism and Jewish life in the police: An interview study with the North Rhine-Westphalia state police
Date: 2024
Translated Title: The Staging of the Jewish: Conversion of Germans to Judaism after 1945
Date: 2015
Holocaust-Darstellung in Schulbüchern Deutsche, österreichische und englische Lehrwerke im Vergleich
Translated Title: Depiction of the Holocaust in school textbooks German, Austrian and English textbooks in comparison
Date: 2017
Translated Title: ‘Who are “we”? Jewish collectivity in Germany: heterogeneity as a potential for community building
Date: 2017
Date: 2024
Autonomie und Gesetz: Zum Verhältnis von Staat und Religion Die jüdische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland
Translated Title: Autonomy and law: On the relationship between state and religion The Jewish community in Germany
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Possible legal and legal policy responses to BDS
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Good Shabbos? Chag Sameach! Religious freedom and respect for work rest on Shabbat and Jewish holidays
Date: 2023
Date: 2017
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Jewish now! Young Jews about their lives in Germany
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Jews as scapegoats and “others”? To explain late medieval Jewish pogroms in history books
Date: 2022
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Antisemitic incidents in Germany 2023
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Show anti-Semitism? Studies on Jewish experiences with anti-Semitism and Display behavior
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Criticism of anti-Semitism in court: The paradox of normalization anti-Jewish resentment
Date: 2024
Translated Title: Anti-Semitism, law and Jewish Perspectives in further training for the justice system Training concepts between 2019 and 2022
Date: 2024
Translated Title: AntiSemitic incidents in Lower Saxony 2022
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Antisemitic incidents in Thuringia 2022
Date: 2023
Translated Title: AntiSemitic incidents in Lower Saxony 2021
Date: 2022
Translated Title: With, with or without Corona? How young people experience racism and anti-Semitism during the pandemic
Date: 2022
Translated Title: Civil society situation report on antisemitism: Baden-Württemberg
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Civil society situation report on antisemitism: Saxony
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Civil society situation report on antisemitism: Rhineland-Palatinate
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Civil society situation report on antisemitism 2021. 1700 years of Jewish life in Germany
Date: 2021
Translated Title: Antisemitism and the Ukraine war. Civil society situation report on antisemitism 9
Date: 2022
Translated Title: Dealing with anti-Semitism today. Civil society situation report on antisemitism 10
Date: 2022
Translated Title: Hatred of Israel and anti-Americanism. Civil society situation report on antisemitism 11
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Antisemitic alliances after October 7. Civil society situation report on antisemitism 12
Date: 2024
Date: 2010
Translated Title: “But there are no longer any anti-Semites”: An experimental study on the communication latency of anti-Semitic attitudes
Date: 2010
Translated Title: Antisemitism in daily (school) life – Jewish families’ and young adults’ experiences and approaches
Date: 2020
Date: 2005
Translated Title: Opportunity Spaces for Antisemitism? On the Opening of Political–Cultural Opportunity Structures During the Escalation Phases of the “Middle East Conflict”
Date: 2024
Date: 2020
Translated Title: “That puts you in a completely isolated position” Jewish perspectives on anti-Semitism in Germany 2017-2020
Date: 2023
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Escape and commitment Jewish and Muslim perspectives
Date: 2022