Experiences and perceptions of antisemitism: Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU
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This report presents the main findings of FRA’s second survey on Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism. It analyses data from the responses of 16,395 selfidentified Jewish people (aged 16 or over) in 12 EU Member States – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. These Member States are home to over 96 % of the EU’s estimated Jewish population. In addition to the 12 EU Member States mentioned above, FRA also carried out the survey in Latvia. Due to the low response level to the online dissemination campaign in Latvia, changes in recruitment methodology and data collection were applied. While the survey was able to reach more respondents in this way, the changes in the respondent recruitment and data collection methods limit the scope for comparisons between Latvia and the other survey countries.
Geographic Coverage
Europe Austria Belgium Denmark Germany Spain France Hungary Italy Latvia Netherlands Poland Sweden United Kingdom
Copyright Holder
Original Language
Discrimination and hate crime against Jews in EU Member States: experiences and perceptions of antisemitism (Series)
Jewish People’s Experiences and Perceptions of Antisemitism (Series)
Reflections on the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) survey of Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of antisemitism (Response)
Young Jewish Europeans: perceptions and experiences of antisemitism (Series)
Gendering Experiences of Anti-Semitism: A Quantitative Analysis of Discrimination in Europe (Other)
How Best to Define Antisemitism? A Structural Approach (Response)
Diskriminierungserfahrungen und Bedrohungswahrnehmungen von in Deutschland lebenden Juden (Secondary analysis of data)
Facing antisemitism in Europe: individual and country-level predictors of Jews’ victimization and fear across twelve countries (Secondary analysis of data)
Does the IHRA working definition of antisemitism reflect the views of most European Jews? An assessment of the evidence from the 2018 survey of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) (Secondary analysis of data)
Jewish People’s Experiences and Perceptions of Antisemitism (Series)
Reflections on the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) survey of Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of antisemitism (Response)
Young Jewish Europeans: perceptions and experiences of antisemitism (Series)
Gendering Experiences of Anti-Semitism: A Quantitative Analysis of Discrimination in Europe (Other)
How Best to Define Antisemitism? A Structural Approach (Response)
Diskriminierungserfahrungen und Bedrohungswahrnehmungen von in Deutschland lebenden Juden (Secondary analysis of data)
Facing antisemitism in Europe: individual and country-level predictors of Jews’ victimization and fear across twelve countries (Secondary analysis of data)
Does the IHRA working definition of antisemitism reflect the views of most European Jews? An assessment of the evidence from the 2018 survey of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) (Secondary analysis of data)
Summary version also available in English, Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian and Slovak.
Link to article including link to pdf, Experiences and perceptions of antisemitism: Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU
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Bibliographic Information
Experiences and perceptions of antisemitism: Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU. . 2018: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-eur212