Introduction: New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe
Publication Name
Publication Date
Main Topic: Culture and Heritage Jewish Museums Post-1989 Jewish Revival Memory Holocaust Commemoration
Geographic Coverage
Europe Lithuania Central Europe Eastern Europe Former Soviet Union (FSU) Russia Russia/FSU: Moscow Poland Poland: Warsaw Ukraine Hungary Czech Republic Slovakia Romania Moldova
Original Language
Page Number / Article Number
Reportage: Beyond Prague's “Precious Legacy”: post-communist Jewish exhibits and synagogue restorations in the Czech Republic (Part of same volume)
Introduction: New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe (Part of same volume)
From Restored Past to Unsettled Present: New Challenges for Jewish Museums in East Central Europe (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
Staging Traumatic Memory: Competing Narratives of State Violence in Post-Communist Hungarian Museums (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Jewish Museum of Chisinău (Kishinev) (Part of same volume)
The Square of Polish Innocence: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw and its symbolic topography (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Curating between hope and despair: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Nothing is going to change? Adaptation of the Jewish Pre-Burial House in Gliwice (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Galicia Jewish Museum: Re-defining the role of the Jewish museum in a post-communist Poland (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Romania and its Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow: Judaism for the masses (Part of same volume)
The shtetl in the museum: representing Jews in the eras of Stalin and Putin (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Torahs, Tanks, and Tech: Moscow's Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Museum of Jewish History in Russia, Moscow (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: A Museum in a museum—the experience of exhibiting Jewish collections in the Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: When Orthodox synagogue meets museum: the New Jewish Community Museum in Bratislava (Part of same volume)
In search of a liberal polity: the Rukh Council of Nationalities, the Jewish question, and Ukrainian independence (Part of same volume)
Reportage: The Bukharan-Jewish Museum in Samarkand: memory preservation of a rapidly-diminishing community (Part of same volume)
Introduction: New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe (Part of same volume)
From Restored Past to Unsettled Present: New Challenges for Jewish Museums in East Central Europe (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
Staging Traumatic Memory: Competing Narratives of State Violence in Post-Communist Hungarian Museums (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Jewish Museum of Chisinău (Kishinev) (Part of same volume)
The Square of Polish Innocence: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw and its symbolic topography (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Curating between hope and despair: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Nothing is going to change? Adaptation of the Jewish Pre-Burial House in Gliwice (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Galicia Jewish Museum: Re-defining the role of the Jewish museum in a post-communist Poland (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Romania and its Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow: Judaism for the masses (Part of same volume)
The shtetl in the museum: representing Jews in the eras of Stalin and Putin (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Torahs, Tanks, and Tech: Moscow's Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Museum of Jewish History in Russia, Moscow (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: A Museum in a museum—the experience of exhibiting Jewish collections in the Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: When Orthodox synagogue meets museum: the New Jewish Community Museum in Bratislava (Part of same volume)
In search of a liberal polity: the Rukh Council of Nationalities, the Jewish question, and Ukrainian independence (Part of same volume)
Reportage: The Bukharan-Jewish Museum in Samarkand: memory preservation of a rapidly-diminishing community (Part of same volume)
Link to article including link to pdf, Introduction: New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe
Bibliographic Information
Introduction: New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe. 2015: 153-157.