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Date: 2015
Abstract: Current approach to tackling antisemitism not working, our report with the Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism shows. ‍Antisemitism is deeply embedded into our common culture; it exists as a reservoir of racist stereotypes and narratives about Jewish people, which are normalised and widespread. Antisemitic incidents have spiked over the last year, particularly in response to the events of October 7th 2023 and the ongoing violence in Gaza. Yet, discussions around antisemitism have become highly politicised in ways that have been detrimental to Jewish communities’ safety and wellbeing. ‍Particularly damaging is the fact that these politicised discussions have inhibited the possibility of forging anti-racist solidarities with other communities that have been subject to the rise in far-right violence, and to the mainstreaming of racist rhetoric and policies. ‍Facing antisemitism highlights that: Antisemitism is hardwired into UK society; Current methods of defining, measuring and reacting to it are deeply contested and politicised; The arguments that anti-Zionism always equates to antisemitism prevents meaningful and productive action to eradicate antisemitism in the UK; Like other forms of racism, antisemitism in the UK consists of hateful attitudes and individual incidents but also institutional and structural racism; The UK must move beyond framing and discussing antisemitism in ways that pit communities against one another, prohibit solidarity and encourage division; Combating antisemitism must be undertaken as part of wider anti-racist initiatives, including building alliances with other racialised minorities. ‍ The Runnymede Trust urgently calls for a different approach to combating antisemitism, including from the government and wider anti-racist organisations.
Author(s): Krell, Gert
Date: 2015
Date: 2015
Author(s): Trigano, Shmuel
Date: 2015
Abstract: Consists of thematically organized texts by Trigano, previously published in various French on-line newsletters, broadcast on the French Jewish Radio J, and at various conferences. They analyze the phenomenon of the new antisemitism, including accusations in the French press against the Jews and Israel, boycotts against Israel, a typology of anti-Zionists, alter-Juifs (Jews who identify as Jews but define Jews through the hostile view of others), and the deconstruction of Judaism. Exposes the specificities of French antisemitism since 2000, especially in the context of postmodernist thought, which encourages the creation of parallel and diverging interpretations of the past, including World War II. Argues that Holocaust revisionism and denial have enabled Faurisson, inter alia, to attain huge media coverage. Emphasizes the role of the Internet in the politicization of history, and shows how the usurpation of Jewish history and heritage by the Left on behalf of the Palestinians has roots in Christian supersessionist theology. Notes that rejection of the Jews and Israel are also based on the claim that monotheism is the source of phallocracy. Characterizes the European Union as a new imperialist power, which destroys nation states and national identities, and rejects Jewish autonomy. Concludes that present-day antisemitism is a massive phenomenon, which threatens the foundations of modernity and European civilization. The very survival of the Jewish people is at stake.
Date: 2015
Abstract: Настоящият сборник съдържа устни разкази на еврейските общности за самите тях и живота им в Русе, Шумен и Варна. Разказите са подредени в осем глави, които съответстват на различните антропологически категории и представят чуто или преживяно от първо лице. Хронологията в книгата е съобразена единствено с битието в житейските цикли и поради това във всяка отделна глава може да се проследи картината за свят на различните поколения хора.

Разказите са резултат от теренно проучване, проведено през пролетта на 2015 година. То отразява не само състоянието на градските общности на евреите в Русе, Шумен и Варна, но осветлява паметта за тях, описва хора и събития, отнасящи се и за онази част от българските евреи, които днес живеят в държавата Израел. Тридесет наши сънародници – 17 жени и 13 мъже, чрез своите разкази и спомени изграждат впечатляващ териториален обхват на проучването, който включва 27 български населени места и в действителност покрива картата на страната.
Date: 2015
Abstract: Today, the extermination of Jewish communities by the Nazi regime and its collaborators, namely the Holocaust, forms an integral part of the international political agenda. Although this dealing with the Holocaust appears normal for us today, this was not always the case, but is the result of extensive social and political processes. In the course of this development the awareness of the special relevance of the extermination of about 6 million Jews has increased. Since the 1990s a process has emerged, that can be characterized as the universalization of Holocaust remembrance. The commemoration of the extermination of the European Jews is no longer an exclusive part of the different national cultures of remembrance, but has become an integral part of international memorial policy. An important event in this context has been the “Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust” in the year 2000 where mainly European leaders as well as other high-ranking politicians, historians and teachers engaged with Holocaust education, Holocaust remembrance and Holocaust research. The idea was to establish an international organization that would expand Holocaust education worldwide. The aim of the present dissertation is to show how the Luxembourgian school system deals with this traumatic event that is the Holocaust and how it reacts as a system to expectations towards Holocaust and schooling, to find out how the school system works. The dissertation does not address questions as to show how the Holocaust should be taught in schools nor whether or not the Holocaust should be taught in schools at all. The dissertation analyses the particularities of teaching the Holocaust, as well as its role in the curriculum in a broader understanding of an analysis of parliamentary debates, syllabi, teaching material and the school practice. The latter includes the classroom settings and the so-called alternative teaching material like scholarly resources on the Holocaust like films, visits to museums, to concentration and extermination camps or the use of testimony from Holocaust survivors.