Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums
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The small-scale Jewish museums in Chișinău (Moldova), Odessa (Ukraine), Lviv (Ukraine), and Minsk (Belarus) narrate the history of once flourishing Jewish communities, and document their disappearance. Their permanent collections, which consist of the private belongings that emigrating Jewish families gave them in the early 1990s, are the basis for their exhibitions. These museums opened in the early 2000s under the auspices of local Jewish cultural and charitable organizations. They are not state museums and lack a solid financial foundation and stable professional curatorial team. Much depends on the personal vision of their directors. Despite both limited exhibition space and locations not frequented by tourists, these museums are important agents of memory and identity for local Jewish and non-Jewish audiences, as well as for international visitors.
Geographic Coverage
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Page Number / Article Number
Reportage: Beyond Prague's “Precious Legacy”: post-communist Jewish exhibits and synagogue restorations in the Czech Republic (Part of same volume)
Introduction: New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe (Part of same volume)
From Restored Past to Unsettled Present: New Challenges for Jewish Museums in East Central Europe (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
Staging Traumatic Memory: Competing Narratives of State Violence in Post-Communist Hungarian Museums (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Jewish Museum of Chisinău (Kishinev) (Part of same volume)
The Square of Polish Innocence: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw and its symbolic topography (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Curating between hope and despair: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Nothing is going to change? Adaptation of the Jewish Pre-Burial House in Gliwice (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Galicia Jewish Museum: Re-defining the role of the Jewish museum in a post-communist Poland (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Romania and its Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow: Judaism for the masses (Part of same volume)
The shtetl in the museum: representing Jews in the eras of Stalin and Putin (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Torahs, Tanks, and Tech: Moscow's Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Museum of Jewish History in Russia, Moscow (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: A Museum in a museum—the experience of exhibiting Jewish collections in the Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: When Orthodox synagogue meets museum: the New Jewish Community Museum in Bratislava (Part of same volume)
In search of a liberal polity: the Rukh Council of Nationalities, the Jewish question, and Ukrainian independence (Part of same volume)
Reportage: The Bukharan-Jewish Museum in Samarkand: memory preservation of a rapidly-diminishing community (Part of same volume)
Introduction: New Jewish museums in post-communist Europe (Part of same volume)
From Restored Past to Unsettled Present: New Challenges for Jewish Museums in East Central Europe (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
Staging Traumatic Memory: Competing Narratives of State Violence in Post-Communist Hungarian Museums (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Jewish Museum of Chisinău (Kishinev) (Part of same volume)
The Square of Polish Innocence: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw and its symbolic topography (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Curating between hope and despair: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Nothing is going to change? Adaptation of the Jewish Pre-Burial House in Gliwice (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Galicia Jewish Museum: Re-defining the role of the Jewish museum in a post-communist Poland (Part of same volume)
Reportage: Romania and its Jewish museums (Part of same volume)
The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow: Judaism for the masses (Part of same volume)
The shtetl in the museum: representing Jews in the eras of Stalin and Putin (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: Torahs, Tanks, and Tech: Moscow's Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: The Museum of Jewish History in Russia, Moscow (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: A Museum in a museum—the experience of exhibiting Jewish collections in the Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg (Part of same volume)
Inside the Museum: When Orthodox synagogue meets museum: the New Jewish Community Museum in Bratislava (Part of same volume)
In search of a liberal polity: the Rukh Council of Nationalities, the Jewish question, and Ukrainian independence (Part of same volume)
Reportage: The Bukharan-Jewish Museum in Samarkand: memory preservation of a rapidly-diminishing community (Part of same volume)
Link to article (paywalled), Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums
PDF (via, Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums
PDF (via, Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums
Bibliographic Information
Reportage: Small exhibits, major steps: four post-Soviet Jewish museums. 2015: 312-320.