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Date: 2024
Abstract: The Sixth Survey of European Jewish Community Leaders and Professionals, 2024, presents the results of an online survey offered in 10 languages and administered to 879 respondents in 31 countries. Conducted every three years using the same format, the survey seeks to identify trends and their evolution over time.

The 2024 survey came during a historically fraught moment for the Jewish people globally. The impact of the horrific October 7th attacks and the subsequent war in Israel cannot be understated. How is this affecting Jewish leadership and Jewish communal life? Therefore, in addition to the regular topics covered by the survey (community priorities, threats, security concerns, attitudes towards Europe and Israel), this edition included a special section designed to understand the impact of October 7th on Jewish life in Europe.

That October 7th has profoundly affected Jewish Europe is evident across multiple sections throughout the survey. Concern about antisemitism and the threat of physical attack has intensified. A large majority of 78% feel less safe living as Jews in their cities than they did before the Hamas attack, and respondents are more cautious about how they identify themselves as Jews. They are also more distant from their wider environments, with 38% reporting they have become more distant from non-Jewish friends.

The respondents were comprised of presidents and chairpersons of nationwide “umbrella organizations” or Federations; presidents and executive directors of private Jewish foundations, charities, and other privately funded initiatives; presidents and main representatives of Jewish communities that are organized at a city level; executive directors and programme coordinators, as well as current and former board members of Jewish organizations; among others
Date: 2024
Abstract: FRA’s third survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU reveals their experiences and perceptions of antisemitism, and shows the obstacles they face in living an openly Jewish life.

The survey pre-dates the Hamas attacks on 7 October 2023 and Israel’s military response in Gaza. But the report includes information about antisemitism collected from 12 Jewish community organisations more recently. Jewish people have experienced more antisemitic incidents since October 2023, with some organisations reporting an increase of more than 400%.

The survey results point to:

Rising antisemitism: 80% of respondents feel that antisemitism has grown in their country in the five years before the survey.
High levels of antisemitism online: 90% of respondents encountered antisemitism online in the year before the survey.
Antisemitism in the public sphere: in the year before the survey, 56% of respondents encountered offline antisemitism from people they know and 51% in the media.
Harassment: 37% say they were harassed because they are Jewish in the year before the survey. Most of them experienced harassment multiple times. Antisemitic harassment and violence mostly take place in streets, parks, or shops.
Safety and security concerns: Most respondents continue to worry for their own (53%) and their family’s (60%) safety and security. Over the years, FRA research has shown that antisemitism tends to increase in times of tension in the Middle East. In this survey, 75% feel that people hold them responsible for the Israeli government’s actions because they are Jewish.
Hidden lives: 76% hide their Jewish identity at least occasionally and 34% avoid Jewish events or sites because they do not feel safe. As a reaction to online antisemitism, 24% avoid posting content that would identify them as Jewish, 23% say that they limited their participation in online discussions, and 16% reduced their use of certain platforms, websites or services.

The EU and its Member States have put in place measures against antisemitism, which have led to some progress. These include the EU’s first ever strategy on combating antisemitism and action plans in some EU countries. The report suggests concrete ways for building on that progress:

Monitoring and adequately funding antisemitism strategies and action plans: This includes adopting plans in those EU countries which do not have them and developing indicators to monitor progress.
Securing the safety and security of Jewish communities: Countries need to invest more in protecting Jewish people, working closely with the affected communities.

Tackling antisemitism online: Online platforms need to address and remove antisemitic content online, to adhere tothe EU’s Digital Services Act. They also need to better investigate and prosecute illegal antisemitic content online.
Encouraging reporting and improving recording of antisemitism: National authorities should step up efforts to raise rights awareness among Jews, encourage them to report antisemitic incidents and improve the recording of such incidents. Greater use of third-party and anonymous reporting could help.

The survey covers Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden where around 96% of the EU’s estimated Jewish population live. Almost 8,000 Jews aged 16 or over took part in the online survey from January to June 2023. This is the third survey of its kind, following those of 2013 and 2018.
Date: 2024
Author(s): Bunyan, Anita
Date: 2016
Abstract: The recent Eurozone crisis and the outbreak of political and populist Euroscepticism pose an unprecedented challenge to advocates of the post-war ‘Idea of Europe’. In the United Kingdom and France, some of the most eloquent and impassioned defences of ‘Europe’ have been penned by Jewish intellectuals. The historian Walter Laqueur, the philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy and journalists such as David Aaronovich, for example, have all rallied to the cause of ‘Europe’. This article will focus on the responses of Robert Menasse and Henryk Broder, two Jewish intellectuals from Austria and Germany, who have recently published powerful reflections on the European idea. Menasse’s polemic of 2012, Der Europäische Landbote (The European Courier), defends the idea of Europe as a ‘Friedensprojekt’, or ‘peace project’, and the European Union as an institutional antidote to the destructive power of nationalism and the self-interest of the nation-state. Broder’s bestselling book of 2013, Die letzten Tage Europas: Wie wir eine gute Idee versenken (The Last Days of Europe: How we are Scuppering a Good Idea), embraces ‘European values’ but launches a critique of a European Union which stifles pluralism and critical debate. This paper analyses how Menasse and Broder define the idea of ‘Europe’ and argues that, despite their differences, in form and content, the work of Menasse and Broder draws on a common tradition of enlightened cosmopolitanism as well as informs the renewed academic debate in the humanities and social sciences about the place of ‘cosmopolitanism’ in our global world.
Author(s): Rajal, Elke
Date: 2024
Date: 2024
Date: 2020
Abstract: The present report provides an overview of data on antisemitism as recorded by international organisations and by official and unofficial sources in the European Union (EU) Member States. Furthermore, the report includes data concerning the United Kingdom, which in 2019 was still a Member State of the EU. For the first time, the report also presents available statistics and other information with respect to North Macedonia and Serbia, as countries with an observer status to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). All data presented in the report are based on the respective countries’ own definitions and categorisations of antisemitic behaviour. At the same time, an increasing number of countries are using the working definition of antisemitism developed by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), and there are efforts to further improve hate crime data collection in the EU, including through the work of the Working Group on hate crime recording, data collection and encouraging reporting (2019–2021), which FRA facilitates. ‘Official data’ are understood in the context of this report as those collected by law enforcement agencies, other authorities that are part of criminal justice systems and relevant state ministries at national level. ‘Unofficial data’ refers to data collected by civil society organisations.

This annual overview provides an update on the most recent figures on antisemitic incidents, covering the period 1 January 2009 – 31 December 2019, across the EU Member States, where data are available. It includes a section that presents the legal framework and evidence from international organisations. The report also provides an overview of national action plans and other measures to prevent and combat antisemitism, as well as information on how countries have adopted or endorsed the non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) (2016) as well as how they use or intend to use it.

This is the 16th edition of FRA’s report on the situation of data collection on antisemitism in the EU (including reports published by FRA’s predecessor, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia).
Date: 2012
Date: 2023
Author(s): Staetsky, Daniel
Date: 2023
Abstract: In this report:
We look into Jewish migration from 15 European countries - representing 94% of Jews living in Europe - comparing data from recent years to previous periods over the last century, and focusing on the signal that the current levels of Jewish migration from Europe send about the political realities perceived and experienced by European Jews.

Some of the key findings in this report:

Peak periods of Jewish migration in the past century – from Germany in the 1930s, North Africa in the 1960s and the Former Soviet Union in the 1990s, saw 50%-75% of national Jewish populations migrate in no more than a decade;
No European Jewish population has shown signs of migration at anywhere near that level for several decades, although recent patterns from Russia and Ukraine point to that possibility over the coming years;
France, Belgium, Italy and Spain saw strong surges in Jewish emigration in the first half of the 2010s, which declined subsequently, but not as far as pre-surge levels;
However, the higher levels of migration measured in these counties during the last decade have not reached the critical values indicating any serious Jewish ‘exodus’ from them;
For Russian and Ukrainian Jews, 2022 was a watershed year: if migration from these countries continues for seven years at the levels seen in 2022 and early 2023, 80%-90% of the 2021 Jewish population of Ukraine and 50%-60% of the 2021 Jewish population of Russia will have emigrated;
Jewish emigration from the UK, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Austria and Denmark has mainly been stable or declining since the mid-1980s;
In Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands, there has been some decline in Jewish migration over the observed period, with migration eventually settling at a new, lower level.
Editor(s): Polak, Regina
Date: 2023
Abstract: In diesem Band werden anlässlich des Gedenkens an die Gesera 1421 inter- und transdisziplinäre Analysen des aktuellen Antisemitismus dokumentiert sowie Handlungsperspektiven zu seiner Bekämpfung aufgezeigt. Die Befunde renommierter Expert:innen belegen die historische Kontinuität sowie die demokratiepolitische Brisanz des Antisemitismus, der die jüdische Bevölkerung und die soziale Kohäsion in Österreich bedroht. Die multiperspektivische Annäherung, die Verschränkung zwischen Theorie und Praxis wie auch der intergenerationale Diskurs geben Antworten auf die Frage, warum man sich fast 80 Jahre nach dem Ende der Shoah nach wie vor mit Antisemitismus auseinandersetzen muss.

Kontinuität und Aktualität des Antisemitismus.Eine österreichische und globale Herausforderung
„Judenbilder“ und Stereotype – von der Wiener Gesera 1421 bis heute
Erinnerung an die Wiener Gesera.Zur Notwendigkeit einer erneuerten Erinnerungskultur
Combating Antisemitism in the Twenty-First Century
„Plandemie“ und „Great Reset“: Zum antisemitischen Kern aktueller Verschwörungsmythen
Nur der Andere ist heute noch Antisemit. Einige Beobachtungen zur Debatte
Analyzing antisemitic Feindbilder
Christlicher Antijudaismus und seine Aktualität
Der Antisemitismus als Krankengeschichte des Geistes. Eine Diagnose aus der Sicht jüdischer Exegese
Antisemitismusbekämpfung durch Bildung!?
Reden gegen Hass. Interreligiöser Dialog als Weg zum Abbau von Antisemitismus
Nie wieder! Aber was eigentlich? Oder: Antisemitismus als komplexes System
Junge Perspektiven I.
Junge Perspektiven II. Das Café Abraham Wien – ein Ort des interreligiösen Lernens
Author(s): Brunssen, Pavel
Date: 2023
Abstract: The European soccer clubs FC Bayern Munich, Austria Vienna, Ajax Amsterdam, and Tottenham Hotspur (London) are known as “Jew Clubs,” although none of them is explicitly Jewish. This study approaches the conundrum of identity performances, (e.g., Jew as self and “Jew” as other) from a transnational perspective. Using the “Jew Clubs” as case studies, I unpack the connection between collective memories and identity formations in post-Holocaust societies through the lens of sports. With the help of a wide range of primary sources and archival material such as fanzines, fan performances, street art, photographs, films, monuments, and museums, this study illustrates how soccer cultures function as a key site for the construction of collective memories and collective identities. As such, this dissertation joins the extant and growing international scholarship on sport and fan cultures, popular culture, Judaic studies, memory cultures, performance studies, museum studies, and German studies. The work also enhances our understanding of antisemitism, philosemitism, and gentile-Jewish relationships. Chapter 1 examines the “Jew Club” as memory culture and provides a detailed analysis of FC Bayern Munich’s “rediscovery” of its German-Jewish former club president Kurt Landauer in the early 21st century. By analyzing how the club’s turn to Landauer overshadowed the club’s role in expelling its Jewish members, this chapter puts forward the argument that memory is always also a form of forgetting. Chapter 2 illustrates how the “Jew Club” FK Austria Vienna (FAK) functions as a “cultural code,” that, in the interwar period, became associated with stereotypically “Jewish” features such as modernity, cosmopolitanism, and rootlessness. It analyzes the puzzling case of a “Jew Club” that is now supported by a neo-Nazi fan base. Finally, this chapter claims that a new “cultural code” emerges, as the club embraces its “Jew Club” identity to counter neo-Nazi fans. Chapter 3 assesses the “Jew Club” as fan performance. It analyzes how Ajax Amsterdam’s supporters developed their identity as “Super Jews” in reaction to the antisemitic taunts by rival fans. The chapter is grounded in a thorough discussion of fan and club cultures, as well as the transformations of Dutch memory culture and Dutch antisemitism. It argues that fan performances offer a particular opportunity to engage with the unmastered history of the Holocaust. Chapter 4 addresses the “Jew Club” as a problem by discussing the case of Tottenham Hotspur. It analyzes the debates about Spurs fans’ appropriation of the term “Yid,” which had previously been used by antisemitic rival supporters. This chapter introduces a new model of linguistic appropriation, which alters our understanding of linguistic reclamation. Ultimately, by engaging Jewish perspectives, it argues that the “Jew Club” offers a unique space for anti-antisemitic agency. The conclusion summarizes the findings of this study, identifies the similarities and differences among the four case studies, and applies the study’s results to reconsider the concept of a “(negative) German-Jewish symbiosis.” In essence, this study illuminates the ways sport clubs and fan cultures perform memory cultures and thus function as an important societal arena for constructing collective identities. The work clarifies the common features and distinctive characteristics of “Jew Clubs” from a transnational perspective. It shows how “soccer” serves as a contested space for questions of identity, subjectivity, and belonging, with implications reaching far beyond the stadium gate.
Editor(s): Popescu, Diana I.
Date: 2022
Abstract: Visitor Experience at Holocaust Memorials and Museums is the first volume to offer comprehensive insights into visitor reactions to a wide range of museum exhibitions, memorials, and memory sites.

Drawing exclusively upon empirical research, chapters within the book offer critical insights about visitor experience at museums and memory sites in the United States, Poland, Austria, Germany, France, the UK, Norway, Hungary, Australia, and Israel. The contributions to the volume explore visitor experience in all its complexity and argue that visitors are more than just "learners". Approaching visitor experience as a multidimensional phenomenon, the book positions visitor experience within a diverse national, ethnic, cultural, social, and generational context. It also considers the impact of museums’ curatorial and design choices, visitor motivations and expectations, and the crucial role emotions play in shaping understanding of historical events and subjects. By approaching visitors as active interpreters of memory spaces and museum exhibitions, Popescu and the contributing authors provide a much-needed insight into the different ways in which members of the public act as "agents of memory", endowing this history with personal and collective meaning and relevance.

Visitor Experience at Holocaust Memorials and Museums offers significant insights into audience motivation, expectation, and behaviour. It is essential reading for academics, postgraduate students and practitioners with an interest in museums and heritage, visitor studies, Holocaust and genocide studies, and tourism.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Visitors at Holocaust Museums and Memory sites
Diana I. Popescu
Part I: Visitor Experience in Museum Spaces
Mobile Memory; or What Visitors Saw at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Michael Bernard-Donals
Visitor Emotions, Experientiality, Holocaust, and Human Rights: TripAdvisor Responses to the Topography of Terror (Berlin) and the Kazerne Dossin (Mechelen)
Stephan Jaeger
"Really made you feel for the Jews who went through this terrible time in History" Holocaust Audience Re-mediation and Re-narrativization at the Florida Holocaust Museum
Chaim Noy
Understanding Visitors’ Bodily Engagement with Holocaust Museum Architecture: A Comparative Empirical Research at three European Museums
Xenia Tsiftsi
Attention Please: The Tour Guide is Here to Speak Out. The Role of the Israeli Tour Guide at Holocaust Sites in Israel
Yael Shtauber, Yaniv Poria, and Zehavit Gross
The Impact of Emotions, Empathy, and Memory in Holocaust exhibitions: A Study of the National Holocaust Centre & Museum in Nottinghamshire, and the Jewish Museum in London
Sofia Katharaki
The Affective Entanglements of the Visitor Experience at Holocaust Sites and Museums
Adele Nye and Jennifer Clark
Part II: Digital Engagement Inside and Outside the Museum and Memory Site
"…It no longer is the same place": Exploring Realities in the Memorial Falstad Centre with the ‘Falstad Digital Reconstruction and V/AR Guide’
Anette Homlong Storeide
"Ways of seeing". Visitor response to Holocaust Photographs at ‘The Eye as Witness: Recording the Holocaust’ Exhibition
Diana I. Popescu and Maiken Umbach
Dachau from a Distance: The Liberation during The COVID-19 Pandemic
Kate Marrison
Curating the Past: Digital Media and Visitor Experiences at the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Christoph Bareither
Diversity, Digital Programming, and the Small Holocaust Education Centre: Examining Paths and Obstacles to Visitor Experience
Laura Beth Cohen and Cary Lane
Part III: Visitors at Former Camp Sites
The Unanticipated Visitor: A Case Study of Response and Poetry at Sites of Holocaust Memory
Anna Veprinska
"Did you have a good trip?" Young people’s Reflections on Visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and the Town of Oświęcim
Alasdair Richardson
Rewind, Relisten, Rethink: The Value of Audience Reception for Grasping Art’s Efficacy
Tanja Schult
"The value of being there" -Visitor Experiences at German Holocaust Memorial Sites
Doreen Pastor
"Everyone Talks About the Wind": Temporality, Climate, and the More-than Representational Landscapes of the Mémorial du Camp de Rivesaltes
Ian Cantoni
Guiding or Obscuring? Visitor Engagement with Treblinka’s Audio Guide and Its Sonic Infrastructure
Kathryn Agnes Huether
Author(s): Staetsky, L. Daniel
Date: 2023
Date: 2023
Author(s): Jikeli, Günther
Date: 2023
Date: 2023
Abstract: How attached do European Jews feel to the countries in which they live? Or to the European Union? And are their loyalties ‘divided’ in some way – between their home country and Israel? Answering these types of questions helps us to see how integrated European Jews feel today, and brings some empiricism to the antisemitic claim that Jews don’t fully ‘belong.’

This mini-report, based on JPR's groundbreaking report ‘The Jewish identities of European Jews’, explores European Jews’ levels of attachment to the countries in which they live, to Israel, and to the European Union, and compares them with those of wider society and other minority groups across Europe. Some of the key findings in this study written by Professor Sergio DellaPergola and Dr Daniel Staetsky of JPR’s European Jewish Demography Unit include:

European Jews tend to feel somewhat less strongly attached to the countries in which they live than the general population of those countries, but more strongly attached than other minority groups and people of no religion.
That said, levels of strong attachment to country vary significantly from one country to another, both among Jews and others.
European Jews tend to feel somewhat more strongly attached to the European Union than the general populations of their countries, although in many cases, the distinctions are small.
Some European Jewish populations feel more strongly attached to Israel than to the countries in which they live, and some do not. The Jewish populations that tend to feel more attached to Israel than the countries in which they live often have high proportions of recent Jewish immigrants.
Having a strong attachment to Israel has no bearing on Jewish people's attachments to the EU or the countries in which they live, and vice versa: one attachment does not come at the expense of another. They are neither competitive nor complementary; they are rather completely unrelated.
Jews of different denominations show very similar levels of attachment to the countries in which they live, but rather different levels of attachment to Israel and the EU.
Date: 2018
Abstract: Grundlagen
Die Migrationsforschung ergibt kontroverse Befunde über den Zusammenhang zwischen psychischer Gesundheit und Migration sowie zu den Faktoren, die die psychische Gesundheit von Migranten beeinflussen. Es gibt zwar Hinweise auf Unterschiede zwischen Migrantengruppen aus verschiedenen Herkunftsländern, allerdings wurden bisher fast keine empirischen Studien über einzelne Migrantengruppen in Österreich unternommen.

In der vorliegenden populationsbasierten Untersuchung wurden Depressivität und Ängstlichkeit von 96 jüdischen Migranten aus der ehemaligen UdSSR mit einem nach Alter und Geschlecht gematchten Sample mit 101 Österreichern verglichen. Weiters wurde der Einfluss von Akkulturationseinstellung und Religiosität auf die psychische Verfassung der Migranten untersucht. Depressivität und Ängstlichkeit wurden mit dem Beck-Depression-Inventory (BDI), dem State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory (STAI) und dem Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) erhoben. Die Akkulturationseinstellung wurde mit dem Vancouver Index of Acculturation (VIA) gemessen, die Religiosität mit einer selbstentwickelten Skala erfasst.

Die Juden aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion waren signifikant depressiver und ängstlicher als die gebürtigen Österreicher, jedoch nicht häufiger von klinischen Depressionen betroffen. Integration als Akkulturationsstrategie (d. h. Interesse sowohl an der Herkunfts- als auch an der Aufnahmekultur) ging mit der niedrigsten psychischen Belastung einher. Die Religiosität wirkte sich protektiv auf Depressivität, nicht jedoch auf Ängstlichkeit aus.

Die vorliegende Untersuchung erlaubt erste Rückschlüsse auf die psychische Gesundheit einer bis dato kaum untersuchten Migrantengruppe und weist auf einen Bedarf nach größerer Öffnung der österreichischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft den Migranten gegenüber hin.
Date: 2022
Abstract: Research about the relation between migration and mental health as well as factors influencing the mental health of migrants has been growing because challenges of migration can constitute a significant mental health burden. However, its divergent findings seem to reflect group-specific differences, e.g., regarding country of origin and receiving country. Almost no empirical studies about individual migrant groups in different receiving countries have been undertaken so far. The present population-based study explores symptoms of depression, anxiety, and somatization as well as quality of life in an Austrian and a German sample of ex-Soviet Jewish migrants. We mainly investigate the relationship of religiosity and perceived xenophobic and anti-Semitic discrimination to the psychological condition of the migrants. Standardized self-report scales, specifically the Beck-Depression-Inventory-II (BDI), State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory (STAI), Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), and WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF), were used to measure mental health. Ex-Soviet Jewish migrants in Austria showed significantly more depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms than those in Germany. Regression analyses support a protective effect of religiosity on mental health in the sample in Germany and an adverse effect of perceived discrimination in the sample in Austria. The present study reveals a less favorable situation for ex-Soviet Jewish migrants in Austria, in terms of income, residence status, and xenophobic attitudes in the local population, compared to the group in Germany. Furthermore, our data suggest that the receiving country matters for the mental health of this migrant group. However, further research is needed to support these conclusions.
Date: 2023
Author(s): Whine, Michael
Date: 2013
Date: 2022
Date: 2011
Abstract: Im Herbst 2008 warnte die Anti Defamation League wiederholt vor einem neuen Aufkeimen
des Antisemitismus im Zuge der globalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise und belegte ihre
Sorge durch eine Vielzahl von Artikeln in US-amerikanischen, südamerikanischen und
europäischen Printmedien und Internetforen, in denen in der Auseinandersetzung mit der
Krise mehr oder weniger offene antisemitische Ressentiments artikuliert wurden. Diese
reichten von traditionellen antisemitischen Stereotypen wie dem „raffgierigen Juden“ bis hin
zu Weltverschwörungstheorien, die auch durch eine spezifische Verknüpfung von
Antisemitismus, Antiamerikanismus und Israelfeindschaft gekennzeichnet sind.
Vor diesem Hintergrund starteten wir am Institut für Konfliktforschung, in Kooperation mit
dem Institut für Zeitgeschichte, im August 2009 eine Studie zu antisemitischen
Diskurselementen in den Debatten um die Krise in österreichischen Printmedien. Wie wird
die Krise generell dargestellt und unter welchen Bedingungen und thematischen Kontexten
tauchen antisemitische Versatzstücke in der Argumentation auf? Dies ist die
forschungsleitende Kernfrage, der wir uns in dem Projekt widmeten.
Da Antisemitismus weder als einheitliches noch als statisches Phänomen verstanden wird,
sind die Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten der antisemitischen Stereotypenbildung und
deren Situierung in gesellschaftlichen, ökonomischen, politischen und historischen Kontexten
von zentralem Belang. Denn selbst wenn sich antisemitische Stereotype in ihrem Inhalt und
ihrer Struktur innerhalb des letzten Jahrhunderts nicht grundsätzlich verändert haben mögen,
ist es für eine Analyse der Funktion und Struktur des Antisemitismus notwendig,
Veränderungen in den Bedingungen zu berücksichtigen, unter denen Antisemitismus auftritt.
Nur eine solche Vorgehensweise erlaubt substantielle Konklusionen über das Verhältnis von
Antisemitismus und Politik/Gesellschaft/Ökonomie. So sind die gesellschaftspolitischen
Veränderungen der letzen drei Jahrzehnte, die sich auch in einem neoliberalen Diskurs
niederschlagen, ebenso von Bedeutung wie etwa die Transformationen des Nationalen im
Zuge der teilweisen Transnationalisierung von Politik und Verwaltung in der EU, welche
Auswirkungen auf den nationalistischen Diskurs zeitigen, der seinerseits häufig mit
Antisemitismus einhergeht.
Das Projekt verbindet eine gesellschaftstheoretische und historische Überblicksstudie über
Antisemitismus im spezifischen Zusammenhang ökonomischer Krisen, seine Artikulationsund Manifestationsformen sowie die Motivationen, die dahinter stehen, mit einer
diskursanalytischen Untersuchung eines ausgewählten Medienkorpus zur gegenwärtigen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. In den verschieden gelagerten Textsorten (Berichte,
Kommentare, Reportagen, LeserInnenbriefe, etc.) werden manifeste und latente
antisemitische Diskursstränge herausgestrichen und ihre Wirkungsmacht hinsichtlich der
gesamten Diskursstrategie analysiert. Da vor allem im Internet zum Teil unverhohlen
antisemitisch argumentiert wird, wurden über den Korpus an Printmedien hinaus auch
Forumsdiskussionen in Augenschein genommen und, eine davon genauer analysiert. Im
Zentrum dieses Projekts steht jedoch der Diskurs in den österreichischen Printmedien Kurier,
Die Presse, Der Standard, Neue Kronen Zeitung, profil, Format und News.
Ausgangsüberlegung für diese Herangehensweise ist, dass der in diesen Printmedien
„veröffentlichte Diskurs” eine Datensorte darstellt, die weite Teile in allen
Bevölkerungsschichten erreicht und dominante Deutungsmuster repräsentiert.