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“European Conference on Antisemitism” The recording of antisemitic incidents in a national and European context


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Antisemitism increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially online. For several years in Europe, in various Member States of the European Union (EU), antisemitic incidents have been daily occurrences – not only on the internet, but also in the real world. Therefore, it is no wonder that many Jews decided to leave Europe. It took the EU a long time to react to these developments. Eventually, a policy and legal framework has been now set up to fight antisemitism. A comprehensive EU strategy for combating antisemitism and promoting Jewish life was presented in October 2021. In order to support its implementation, the Austrian Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler, responsible for the fight against antisemitism and the promotion of Jewish life, launched a European initiative aimed at strengthening cooperation for the implementation of the EU strategy against antisemitism. The “European Conference on Antisemitism (ECA)” convened for the first time on 18/19 May 2022 in Vienna and primarily committed itself to harmonising the recording of antisemitic incidents in the EU.



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Bibliographic Information

Martino, Antonio-Maria “European Conference on Antisemitism” The recording of antisemitic incidents in a national and European context. .SIAK-International Edition. 2023: 68-79.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-3616