Variations on a Theme The Jewish ‘Other' in Old and New Antisemitic Media Discourses in Hungary in the 1940s and in 2011
Shortly after the electoral success of Haider's Freedom Party in Austria, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Vienna with placards bearing the slogan ‘Only their faces change!’ And above the text there were pictures of Hitler, Haider and Milosevic. The message was clear: with the electoral success and increased parliamentary presence of the parties of the far right—political formations whose ideological base is rooted in extreme nationalism, racism, xenophobia, a loathing of democracy and a fanatical wish for a strong state—the spectre of fascism reappeared in Europe.
Link to book (paywalled), “Calculated Ambivalence” and Holocaust Denial in Austria
Variations on a Theme The Jewish ‘Other' in Old and New Antisemitic Media Discourses in Hungary in the 1940s and in 2011. . 2012: