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The Revival of Jewish Life in Kraków?

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Odrodzenie życia żydowskiego w Krakowie?



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Many readers may be taken aback by the eponymous question. The “reconstruction”, “renaissance”, or “revitalization” of Jewish life has usually been referred to in the affirmative, not necessarily denoting one and the same notion of that phenomenon in each case. It may be worthwhile setting out to explore this issue by establishing in the first place what “Jewish life” consists of, where “the Jewish” and “the non -Jewish” have their dividing line, and what criteria should be assumed if the choice were between the objective and the subjective ones. More questions arise from such deliberations, pertaining to the definition of Jewish culture, Judaism, Jewish space, and Jewish identity; should these concepts be looked at from the perspective of essentialism or constructivism? or may be a new perspective is to be sought, one that sits somewhere at the junction of these two extremes? Every community obviously faces problems caused by the designata of collective categories; however, the contemporary Jewish community seems to be particularly affected by these in Poland. It is beyond doubt that the principal reason for that situation stems from the Holocaust – the experience and aftermath of that tragic event.



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Worldcat Record


Odrodzenie życia żydowskiego w Krakowie? (Original language edition)


PDF, The Revival of Jewish Life in Kraków?

Bibliographic Information

Duch-Dyngosz, Marta The Revival of Jewish Life in Kraków?. We were, we are, we will be. The Jewish community of Kraków after 1945. Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Krakowa. 2015: 150-179.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-pol118