Date: 2024
Translated Title: Image of Germany and Jewish self-image of Jews in Germany after 1945: Three generations in comparison
Date: 2011
Date: 2020
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Jewish children and youth education in Germany since 1945: changing educational contexts and bodies of knowledge
Date: 2022
Date: 2010
Translated Title: Memory versus commerce: revival in Jewish Quarter of Pest
Date: 2014
Translated Title: Consequences of the extermination of Jews. Poland 1944-2010
Date: 2012
Date: 2018
Date: 2013
Date: 2000
Date: 2011
Date: 2010
Translated Title: Germany, the Jews and the State of Israel: A political inventory.
Date: 2016
Date: 1997
Date: 1997
Date: 2014
Date: 2007
Date: 2015
Date: 2008
Date: 2007
Date: 2014
Translated Title: Jewish communities - continuities and breaks
Date: 2002
Translated Title: "Who nneds the Jews' Temple?" Synagogues in Central Europe after 1945
Date: 2015
Date: 1999
Translated Title: Jews in Germany after 1945: Citizens or "Fellow" Citizens
Date: 1999
Date: 2007
Translated Title: Restitution in East Germany : the restitution of former Jewish property in East Germany and in reunified Germany after 1989
Date: 2001
Translated Title: We Are There. The History of the Jews in Germany from 1945 until today
Date: 2000
Translated Title: Jews in the Federal Republic of Germany: Documentation and Analysis
Date: 2005
Translated Title: Impossible Home. A German-Jewish history of the Federal Republic
Date: 2007
Date: 1994
Translated Title: History of the Jews in Germany from 1945 to the present: politics, culture and society
Date: 2012
Translated Title: In the Waves of Memory: Jewish Life in Germany
Date: 2002
Date: 1999
Date: 2016
Date: 2017
Date: 2014
Date: 1964
Translated Title: Judaism in Transition: Half a century of research and scholarship on Judaism in Germany
Date: 2017
Date: 1962
Date: 2010
Date: 2006
Date: 1996