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Date: 2024
Date: 2019
Abstract: This chapter, written from the perspective of Christian religious education, considers the meaning of Jewish-Muslim relations in Europe in terms of Christian education. The subtitle intentionally avoids the more current term of “trialogue” by referring to “three-way conversations” in a more neutral and technical manner. The reason behind this choice of terminology is not that the concept of “trialogue” is rejected altogether, but that the use of this concept in religious education discussions is often limited to the normative vision of bringing the three so-called Abrahamic religions together in a peaceful union. In many cases, this normative vision operates at the expense of a more analytical approach, which also considers the specific difficulties that arise in three-way conversations between the three religions. Against the background of such observations, the chapter describes and critically discusses the understanding of “trialogue” in religious education. Among other things, it shows that the idea of an Abrahamic religious unity makes less sense from a Christian point of view than from the perspective of Judaism and Islam, especially in the context of education and in respect to religious practices in the three religions. At the same time, the chapter emphasizes the need for educational approaches that do justice to the historical backgrounds of the different forms of coexistence and encounter between the three religions as well as their meaning for religious education today.
Date: 2019
Date: 2022
Abstract: Jüdinnen und Juden sind nicht nur mit physischer, sondern auch mit geistiger Gewalt konfrontiert: Diese äußert sich durch explizite Hassrede ebenso wie durch harmlos anmutende Muster der Alltagssprache. Judenfeindschaft und Sprache stehen seit zweitausend Jahren in einer untrennbaren Symbiose. Das Gift judenfeindlichen Denkens und Fühlens ist Teil unserer Kultur, und antisemitische Sprachgebrauchsmuster sind tief in unser kommunikatives Gedächtnis eingeschrieben. Auf diese Weise sorgen sprachliche Antisemitismen dafür, dass judenfeindliche Stereotype von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben werden.
Der Band macht diesen Zusammenhang anhand authentischer Beispiele anschaulich und verständlich. Er deckt die toxischen Sprachstrukturen mit ihrer Wirkung auf das kollektive Bewusstsein auf und weist auf die dringende Notwendigkeit eines sensiblen und geschichtsbewussten Sprachgebrauchs hin.

1 Von einem Gift, das die Köpfe vernebelt und die Seelen mit Hass verdunkelt
2 Sprache als Weltenerschafferin und Menschenzerstörerin
3 Das geistige Gift Judenhass und seine Grundsubstanz
4 Am Anfang war das Wort: Die Sprache brachte den Judenhass in die Welt
5 Gebildete und aufgeklärte Judenfeindschaft
6 Judenfeindliche Topoi als Stilmittel
7 Indirekte Sprechakte: Jemand sagt X, meint aber erkennbar Y
8 'Juden und Deutsche'
9 Schweigen und Verschweigen als antisemitische Sprachhandlungen
10 „Es ist doch nur so dahingesagt und nicht böse gemeint“: 'Du Jude!' als Schimpfwort und andere
alltagstaugliche Antisemitismen
11 Israelbezogener Antisemitismus und das Mantra seiner Strohmann-Abwehr
12 Euphemismen und ihre Verschleierungsfunktionen
13 Wenn die Sprache versagt: Die Einsamkeit der jüdischen Trauer und warum der Bundestag
hätte weinen müssen
14 „Den blinden und verstockten Juden helfen“: Ratschläge und Moralpredigten vom Podest der hohen Moral
15 „Gestern die Juden, heute …“: Multifunktionale NS-Vergleiche und falsche Analogien als Sprachkonstruktionen, die in die Irre führen
16 'Jews are News' und 'Bad Jews are Good News': Massenmedien und ihre toxischen Narrative
17 Wo die Meinungsfreiheit enden und die Verantwortung anfangen sollte
Date: 2019
Author(s): Sheldon, Ruth
Date: 2016
Author(s): Scholefield, Lynne
Date: 1999
Abstract: Interpreting culture as symbols, stories, rituals and values, the thesis explores the culture of a Jewish and a Catholic secondary school in a dialogical way. The survey of the literature in Chapter 1 identifies relevant school-based research and locates the chosen case-study schools within the context of the British 'dual system'. Chapter 2 draws on the theoretical and methodological literatures of inter-faith dialogue and ethnography to develop and defend a paradigm for the research defined as open-inclusivist and constructivist. The main body of the thesis (Chapters 3-5), based on field-work undertaken in 1996 and 1997, presents the two schools in parallel with each other. Chapter 3 describes the details of the case studies at 'St. Margaret's' and 'Mount Sinai' and my developing research relationship with each school. In Chapter 4 many different voices from each school are woven into two 'tales' about the schools' cultures. This central chapter has a deliberately narrative style. Chapter 5 amplifies the cultural tales through the analysis of broadly quantitative data gained from an extensive questionnaire administered to a sample of senior students in each school. It is the only place in the thesis where views and values from the two schools are directly compared. The final two chapters widen the horizon of the study. Chapter 6 presents voices which were not part of the original case studies but which relate, in different ways, to the culture of the two schools. Chapter 7, with theoretical ideas about Jewish schools and education, and Catholic schools and education, provides resources for further dialogue about culture within Judaism and Catholicism and for Jewish-Christian dialogue. The thesis ends with some reflections on possible implications of the two cultures for discussions about the common good in education.
Date: 2011
Abstract: Читателю предлагается сборник интервью, записанных на протяжении последних лет, для того, чтобы показать участников исторических событий нашего времени. Среди них ученые, публицисты, диссиденты и общественные деятели. Они представляют свое видение украинско-еврейских отношений, формулируют актуальные вопросы сегодняшнего дня. Авторы не обходят «горячие точки» отношений, наиболее острые для украинцев и евреев.

Упомянутые в книге факты, а также опыт поиска взаимопонимания украинских и еврейских лидеров в последние десятилетия, по мнению авторов, достойны всеобщего обозрения.

Читачеві пропонується збірник інтерв’ю, які записані впродовж кількох останніх років, аби показати учасників історичних подій нашого часу. Cеред них науковці, публіцисти, дисиденти і громадські діячі. Вони представляють своє бачення українсько-єврейських відносин, формулюють актуальні питання сьогодення. Автори не обминають «гарячі точки» взаємин, найбільш болючі для українців та євреїв. Зазначені у книзі факти, а також досвід знаходження порозуміння українських та єврейських лідерів в останні десятиліття, на думку авторів, варті всебічного висвітлення.25 жовтня 2011 року в Києво-Могилянській академії відбулася презентація книги. Свої думки про важливість видання висловили Є. Сверстюк, М. Маринович, Я. Грицак, Й. Зісельс, К.Сігов, Ж. Ковба. Модератором зустрічі виступив директор Центру юдаїки і керівник проекту Леонід Фінберг.3 листопада 2011 р. Ізабелла Хруслінська, Петро Тима та Леонід Фінберг стали гостями програми “Вечір з М. Княжицьким” на телеканалі ТВі. Творці книги розповіли, чому вони зацікавилася українсько-єврейською темою, в чому особливість цієї збірки, зокрема, та міжкультурних взаємин загалом.
Date: 2006
Date: 2006
Date: 2010
Abstract: In the context of both the incredible diversity of the societies in which we now
live and the volatile political situation of the last few years, there have been
renewed levels of tensions between religious communities and in particular
between Jews and Muslims. At the same time Jews and Muslims find themselves
not only as perceived enemies but also as possible partners because of
the threat of radical political views gaining strength in the broader community.
In 2005, CEJI – a Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe - began an initiative
to foster and promote dialogue and understanding between our two communities,
seeing it not only essential for our own well-being but also to strengthen
the vision of a diverse world to which we aspire.

Much work has been going at the local level on the ground but ideas and practices
are rarely shared. The people involved at a local level often feel isolated,
and lacking in support, at times feeling that they are operating in a vacuum, as
they try to generate dialogue between the two communities. The production of
these Mapping Reports for the 5 partner countries involved in the project
(Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and United Kingdom) intends to
begin to address these issues by publicising and promoting existing dialogue initiatives.
The Mapping Reports led to the First European Jewish Muslim Dialogue
Conference, which was held in April 2007. This event aimed to facilitate the
exchange of information and to gather positive experiences from the five partner
countries. Out of the conference came the recognition that dialogue is not
enough and that cooperation is also needed, and as a result the European
Platform for Jewish Muslim Cooperation was set up. The Platform is made up
of Jewish and Muslim organisations involved in local and national level dialogue
initiatives, and who are committed to developing cooperative actions between
their communities.