Миротворческий Потенциал Этнических Диаспор Северного Кавказа (на Примере Еврейских Общин)
Translated Title
Peace-Making Potential of Ethnic Diasporas Of the Northern Caucasus (The Jewish Communities Being Exemplified)
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Publication Date
В начале XXI в. изучение социальных и политических проблем на Северном Кавказе является важнейшей составляющей для развития толерантности в Российской Федерации. В статье рассмотрены миротворческие практики еврейских общин на Северном Кавказе, вклад еврейской диаспоры в развитие добрососедских отношений между представителями разных народов и религий в регионе
Translated Abstract
The study of social and political problems in the Northern Caucasus in the beginning of the 21st century is
the key component for the development of tolerance in the Russian Federation. The paper considers peacemaking practices of the Jewish communities in the Northern Caucasus, as well as the contribution of the Jewish Diaspora to the development of good-neighbour relations between the representatives of different peoples and religions in the region
the key component for the development of tolerance in the Russian Federation. The paper considers peacemaking practices of the Jewish communities in the Northern Caucasus, as well as the contribution of the Jewish Diaspora to the development of good-neighbour relations between the representatives of different peoples and religions in the region
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Bibliographic Information
Миротворческий Потенциал Этнических Диаспор Северного Кавказа (на Примере Еврейских Общин). 2013: 52–56. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2650