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The Meaning of Jewish-Muslim Relations in Europe for Christian Education: Potentials and Limitations of a Three-Way Conversation


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This chapter, written from the perspective of Christian religious education, considers the meaning of Jewish-Muslim relations in Europe in terms of Christian education. The subtitle intentionally avoids the more current term of “trialogue” by referring to “three-way conversations” in a more neutral and technical manner. The reason behind this choice of terminology is not that the concept of “trialogue” is rejected altogether, but that the use of this concept in religious education discussions is often limited to the normative vision of bringing the three so-called Abrahamic religions together in a peaceful union. In many cases, this normative vision operates at the expense of a more analytical approach, which also considers the specific difficulties that arise in three-way conversations between the three religions. Against the background of such observations, the chapter describes and critically discusses the understanding of “trialogue” in religious education. Among other things, it shows that the idea of an Abrahamic religious unity makes less sense from a Christian point of view than from the perspective of Judaism and Islam, especially in the context of education and in respect to religious practices in the three religions. At the same time, the chapter emphasizes the need for educational approaches that do justice to the historical backgrounds of the different forms of coexistence and encounter between the three religions as well as their meaning for religious education today.




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Link to article (paywalled), The Meaning of Jewish-Muslim Relations in Europe for Christian Education: Potentials and Limitations of a Three-Way Conversation

Bibliographic Information

Schweitzer, Friedrich The Meaning of Jewish-Muslim Relations in Europe for Christian Education: Potentials and Limitations of a Three-Way Conversation. Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges. Springer. 2019: 215-229.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1007/978-3-658-26275-4_13