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History as an obstacle: Impact of temporal-based social categorizations on Polish-Jewish intergroup contact


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Two studies examined the role of temporal-based social categorizations for attitude change during intergroup contact between Polish and Jewish students. In Study 1 (N = 190 Polish students), a cross-sectional analysis showed that contact focused on contemporary issues had positive effects on both outgroup attitudes and perceived similarity to the outgroup. No such effects were observed when groups talked about past issues. Study 2 (N = 97 Jewish students) demonstrated this effect experimentally when `historical' and `contemporary' issues were discussed during contact. Contact about the present generated more positive attitudes toward contact partners and (unlike contact about the past) toward the generalized outgroup. The present findings are discussed in the context of common ingroup identity model and collective guilt research.



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PDF (via academia.edu), History as an obstacle: Impact of temporal-based social categorizations on Polish-Jewish intergroup contact

Bibliographic Information

Bilewicz, Michał History as an obstacle: Impact of temporal-based social categorizations on Polish-Jewish intergroup contact. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 2007: 551-563.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1177%2F1368430207081540