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Sepharad – object of investigation? The academic discourse about Sepharad and Sephardim in Spain


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The article discusses Sepharad as an object of investigation in Spanish (academic) discourse over the last two centuries. The historic overview can reveal a shift from a mere theological interest in Hebrew as a biblical language to an interest motivated by the idea of Sephardic Jewry as part of the national heritage, which emerged in the context of the Spanish nation-building process at the end of the nineteenth century. The discourses about Sepharad remained contradictory during the Francoist dictatorship, as can be illustrated by the example of the Instituto Arias Montano. Recent developments in Spain, which are analysed in the third part of the article, point to a process of diversification and popularisation when it comes to the Iberian–Jewish past.



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Link to article (paywalled), Sepharad – object of investigation? The academic discourse about Sepharad and Sephardim in Spain

Bibliographic Information

Menny, Anna Sepharad – object of investigation? The academic discourse about Sepharad and Sephardim in Spain. Jewish Culture and History. 2015: 6-23.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/1462169X.2015.1025477