Jewish life in Hungary: Achievements, challenges and priorities since the collapse of communism
Zsidó élet Magyarországon: Eredmények, kihívások és célok a kommunista rendszer bukása óta
Jewish Community Jewish Communal Politics Jewish Organisations Pluralism Jewish Leadership Interviews Main Topic: Identity and Community
Jewish life in Ukraine: Achievements, challenges and priorities from the collapse of communism to 2013 (Series)
Jewish life in Poland: Achievements, challenges and priorities since the collapse of communism (Series)
Jewish life in Germany: Achievements, challenges and priorities since the collapse of communism (Series)
Jewish life in Poland: Achievements, challenges and priorities since the collapse of communism (Series)
Jewish life in Germany: Achievements, challenges and priorities since the collapse of communism (Series)
Jewish life in Hungary: Achievements, challenges and priorities since the collapse of communism. . 2011: