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The meaning of Ladino: The semiotics of an online speech community


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This article shows how the semiotics of a language, that is, what a language signifies, is a negotiated process observable by following online debates. Indeed, the adoption of new media seems to instigate, if not intensify and revitalize, these debates. I analyze an electronically mediated discussion group stating its goals as the maintenance, revitalization and standardization of Ladino (Judeo-Spanish). Employing theories from linguistic anthropology, I show how language ideologies map out the boundaries of what I call “Ladinoland” by insisting on particular meanings of Ladino. Group members assign the language these meanings through debates about Ladino’s glottonym, recursive boundary marking between Ladino native and novice users, and erasures of linguistic elements perceived to be non-standard.



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The meaning of Ladino: The semiotics of an online speech community

Bibliographic Information

Brink-Danan, Marcy The meaning of Ladino: The semiotics of an online speech community. Language & Communication. 2011: 107–118.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-glo9