Marzec w lutym? Studium stosunku Polaków do Żydów i historii Holokaustu w kontekście debaty wokół ustawy o IPN
Translated Title
March in February? The study of Poles’ attitudes toward Jews and the Holocaust history in the context of the Holocaust law debate in Poland
Publication Name
Publication Date
2018 amendment of the act on the Polish Institute of National Remembrance that
was passed by the Polish Sejm in January 2018 raised a vibrant public debate
about Polish-Jewish relations. In this article, we try to trace the dynamics of this
debate and assess its consequences for contemporary Polish-Jewish relations and
present-day representations of the relations between Poles and Jews during the
German occupation in 1939–1945. To this end, we present the analysis of social
media content, data from search engines, as well as the results of two nationwide
polls conducted at the beginning of 2018. These studies indicate that the debate
on amendment of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance has increased the expression of antisemitic prejudice in the media and on the internet,
increased the presence of defective codes of memory, and at the same time
polarized the Polish debate about the behavior of Poles during the Holocaust.
The results of these analyzes are discussed in the context of earlier debates on
the Polish-Jewish relations during Nazi occupation, referring to the category of
“secondary antisemitism” that receives growing support in current social sciences
was passed by the Polish Sejm in January 2018 raised a vibrant public debate
about Polish-Jewish relations. In this article, we try to trace the dynamics of this
debate and assess its consequences for contemporary Polish-Jewish relations and
present-day representations of the relations between Poles and Jews during the
German occupation in 1939–1945. To this end, we present the analysis of social
media content, data from search engines, as well as the results of two nationwide
polls conducted at the beginning of 2018. These studies indicate that the debate
on amendment of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance has increased the expression of antisemitic prejudice in the media and on the internet,
increased the presence of defective codes of memory, and at the same time
polarized the Polish debate about the behavior of Poles during the Holocaust.
The results of these analyzes are discussed in the context of earlier debates on
the Polish-Jewish relations during Nazi occupation, referring to the category of
“secondary antisemitism” that receives growing support in current social sciences
Antisemitism Holocaust Holocaust Commemoration Holocaust Memorials Jewish - Non - Jewish Relations Main Topic: Holocaust and Memorial Law
Geographic Coverage
Original Language
Page Number / Article Number
Bibliographic Information
Marzec w lutym? Studium stosunku Polaków do Żydów i historii Holokaustu w kontekście debaty wokół ustawy o IPN. 2018: 7-41.