Treatment of Jewish Themes in Hungarian Schools
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Since the collapse of communism in Hungary, Jewish topics have been included in school textbooks. Examines textbooks on three subjects: history, literature, and geography. Early Jewish history and the Holocaust are dealt with in the National School Curriculum, and these topics are covered extensively and consistently in some textbooks. However, early Jewish history is viewed from the Christian perspective, and Christianity is presented as a religion superior to Judaism. In trying to explain the rise of antisemitism in the 19th-early 20th centuries, some books resort to antisemitic arguments. The representation of the Holocaust suffers from ethnocentricism and a monocultural approach; the textbooks reduce both the number of victims and Hungary's responsibility for the persecution of Jews. The anti-Zionist ideology of the communist era is still apparent in the textbooks - the Arab-Israeli wars are shown from the Arab perspective, not objectively, in some books. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism)
Main Topic: Education Holocaust Education Antisemitism: Education against Attitudes to Jews Attitudes to Israel Jewish History Schools: Non-Jewish Curriculum and Schoolbooks
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