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Free Trade Awry? On the Export of ‘Double Genocide’ Revisionism


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The successful incorporation of Eastern European states into the European Union, NATO and the Western pro-democratic family of nations usually focuses on the import of ideas, governmental and societal structures, and products, from West to East, and of large movements of East European populations westward. Often overlooked in the export of ideas has been the intensive, expensive and industrial-scale effort to rewrite the history of the Holocaust and World War II in the direction of Double Genocide and Holocaust Obfuscation, a trend spurred on dramatically by the decline in East-West relations and the increasingly frightening movement of Russia toward revanchist authoritarianism that threatens its neighbors. The paper argues that no good can or will come from the adaptation of models of bogus nationalist history rooted in far-right, ultranationalist thought in the liberated states of Eastern Europe. Double Genocide and its corollaries as currently practiced and underwritten by state budgets, represent a threat to history, freedom of thought and speech, equal rights and ultimately, a ruse to insert far-right academic revisionism disguised as anti-Russian activity into Western discourse.




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PDF (via academia.edu), Free Trade Awry? On the Export of ‘Double Genocide’ Revisionism

Bibliographic Information

Katz, Dovid Free Trade Awry? On the Export of ‘Double Genocide’ Revisionism. De Christine de Pizan à Hans Robert Jauss : études offertes à Earl Jeffrey Richards par ses collègues et amis à l'occasion de son soixante-cinquième anniversaire. Presses du Centre d’Études Médiévales de Picardie. 2017: 413-443.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-1038