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European Jewish identity at the dawn of the 21 century: A working paper


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David Graham's important study argues that contemporary Jewish identity has been heavily shaped by three key developments: the rise and fall of Communism; the Holocaust; and the increasing secularisation of European society. It notes that existing social research demonstrates a revival of Jewish life in Europe that, whilst heavily influenced by the various broader cultures in which it is located, nevertheless shows striking similarities across national boundaries.

As well as listing and referencing the major studies conducted on different European Jewish communities, it calls for a more unified approach to Jewish social research in Europe, and the collation of key sources into a centralised databank.




Geographic Coverage

Europe   Belarus   Croatia   Denmark   France   Germany   Greece   Hungary   Italy   Ireland   Latvia   Lithuania   Moldova   Netherlands   Norway   Poland   Russia   Sweden   Switzerland   Turkey   United Kingdom   Ukraine

Copyright Holder

Original Language

BJPA Record

Bibliographic Information

Graham, David European Jewish identity at the dawn of the 21 century: A working paper. Institute for Jewish Policy Research. 2004:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-eur47