An Integrative Measurement of European Anti-Semitism
Publication Date
November 2015
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One of the most disturbing recent trends in the Jewish world and in the consciousness of the global Jewish community has been the resurgence of anti-Semitism. The outbreak is far from pandemic. Yet, the trend clearly must be monitored and courses of action should be explored, both at the Jewish community level as well as that of the Jewish people as a whole, to understand how best to curb the contagion or limit its effects.
The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) developed an integrative measurement that takes into account some relevant variables for a wide and comprehensive picture.
The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) developed an integrative measurement that takes into account some relevant variables for a wide and comprehensive picture.
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Bibliographic Information
An Integrative Measurement of European Anti-Semitism. . November 2015: