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Migration and Remembrance: Sounds and Spaces of Klezmer ‘Revivals’


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This article discusses the cultural meanings of recent revivals in Yiddish music in the USA and central Europe. It does this with reference to Adorno’s critique of lyrical celebration of the past as a means of forgetting. It examines the criticisms that recent ‘Jewish’ cultural revivals are kitsch forms of unreflective nostalgia and considers the complexity of meanings here. It then explores the ways in which klezmer might be an aural form of memory and suggests that revivals can represent gateways into personal and collective engagement with the past. It further argues that experimental hybrid forms of new klezmer potentially open new spaces of remembrance and expressions of Jewish identity.



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Migration and Remembrance: Sounds and Spaces of Klezmer ‘Revivals’

Bibliographic Information

Ray, Larry Migration and Remembrance: Sounds and Spaces of Klezmer ‘Revivals’. Cultural Sociology. 2010: 357-378.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-eur108