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Philosemitism as a resolution of congnitive dissonance? The case of post-communist Hungary


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Philosemitism in modern Hungary thus has two typical manifestations or versions. In the first version, an inclination to stereotype and – evidently in the higher status social groups which are overrepresented in the philosemitic group – to perceive “Jews” as a rival social group are placed within a framework by the (unprocessed) memory of the persecution of Jews, a left-wing/liberal worldview, and – given that it is a group that is aware of and adheres
to norms – an acceptance of the philosemitic (or at least non-antisemitic) consensus of norms in the public realm. In such a context, the expression of attitudes relating to Jews is well served by the clichés which arose during the era of assimilation and are still fostered by both Jews and non-Jews concerning the beneficial role of Jews and their contribution to the country.

The other group of philosemites, however, is clearly characterised by allotic attitudes. This form of philosemitism is extremely fragile: the opinions and attitudes expressed by such philosemitism can be accommodated – sometimes without any modification or contradiction – in the context of political antisemitism.




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Bibliographic Information

Kovács, András Philosemitism as a resolution of congnitive dissonance? The case of post-communist Hungary. Geliebter Feind- gehasster Freund: Antisemitismus und Philosemitismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg. 2009: 351-362.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-517