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Memory and displacement: Syrian-Kurdish refugees navigating the middle east, Israel, and the holocaust


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Syrian refugees have become a significant minority in Germany over the past decade, with approximately one million now residing in the country. Most of them plan to stay and are eager to integrate into German society. Alongside practical challenges such as uncertain legal status, securing housing, finding employment, facing racism, and learning the German language, they must also navigate an ideological environment where common views on the Middle East, Islam, Israel, Jews, and the Holocaust differ significantly from those in their home country. This necessitates a certain degree of adaptation. Based on qualitative interviews with more than 200 Arab and Kurdish Syrian refugees, we examine self-perceptions, views on developments in the Middle East, and attitudes toward Jews. Significant differences emerged between Arab and Kurdish respondents. Especially among Syrian Kurds, there’s a noticeable openness to challenge antisemitic attitudes, often motivated by a rejection of Arab nationalist ideology and anti-Zionist propaganda. Syrian Kurds often perceive Jews and Israel more favorably than Arab Syrians. Their history of discrimination and oppression in Syria contributes to their rejection of hatred of Jews and Israel.



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Link to article (paywalled), Memory and displacement: Syrian-Kurdish refugees navigating the middle east, Israel, and the holocaust

Bibliographic Information

Jikeli, Günther Memory and displacement: Syrian-Kurdish refugees navigating the middle east, Israel, and the holocaust. Ethnicities. 2024:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1177/14687968241288254