Tertiary Antisemitism in Social Media Posts of Germany's Alternative für Deutschland
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This chapter analyzes social media posts of Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe on May 8, 2020. With the help of the mixed-methods software MaxQDA we developed a code system that identifies antisemitic cues. As a result of our analysis, we formulate a definition of tertiary antisemitism to extend the established concepts of primary and secondary antisemitism. In our research we find that the AfD uses social media strategically to communicate a revisionist interpretation of World War II and the Holocaust by employing antisemitic cues, rather than explicit expressions of antisemitism. Further we identify four rhetorical strategies present in the AfD’s social media communication that normalize, mainstream, and vindicate antisemitism.
Antisemitism: Far right Antisemitism: Discourse Antisemitism: Definitions Social Media Main Topic: Antisemitism Antisemitism: Online
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Worldcat Record
Link to book (paywalled), Tertiary Antisemitism in Social Media Posts of Germany's Alternative für Deutschland
Bibliographic Information
Tertiary Antisemitism in Social Media Posts of Germany's Alternative für Deutschland. 2022: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-4031