Śmiech w Auschwitz, czyli o tym, w jaki sposób psychologia może pomóc zrozumieć łamanie tabu w miejscu pamięci Zagłady
Translated Title
Laughter in Auschwitz; or, How Psychology Can Help Understand the Breaking of Taboos at the Holocaust Memorial
Marcinkowska, Karolina
Puchała, Dominik
Bilewicz, Michał
Bulska, Dominika
Winiewski, Mikołaj
Górski, Maciej
Puchała, Dominik
Bilewicz, Michał
Bulska, Dominika
Winiewski, Mikołaj
Górski, Maciej
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Publication Date
Non-normative behavior at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum is often met with outrage and condemnation, including from the Polish media. The research described in this article checked whether reactions such as laughter or using a phone – among other things, to take photographs – could serve a regulatory function for visitors to the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau rather than indicating disrespect for Holocaust victims. We conducted in-depth interviews with the Museum’s guides and observed museum visitors. In this way, we found that several non-normative reactions to Holocaust testimony appear quite commonly among visitors. Although these are stigmatized by the guides, the reactions appear adaptive in that they distance visitors from the potentially traumatizing Holocaust testimony.
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Bibliographic Information
Śmiech w Auschwitz, czyli o tym, w jaki sposób psychologia może pomóc zrozumieć łamanie tabu w miejscu pamięci Zagłady. 2023: 113-131. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-3994