Ambivalence and Contradictions in Education against Antisemitism: Exploring the Views and Experiences of Young Germans
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This paper presents results of the qualitative study “Antisemitism and Youth,” which examines young non-Jewish Germans’ knowledge of and experiences with antisemitism, as well as their perceptions of educational efforts against it. The study explores the contradictions between persistent antisemitism in Germany and intensive work to
counter it. Through the analysis of interviews with young Germans, the study examines their understanding and representations of Jews and Jewish life. It reveals that young Germans’ views are shaped by narratives of strangeness, victimhood, guilt, and criticism of antisemitism. While most of the participants express firm opposition to antisemitism, they lack experience in identifying and deconstructing it. This article highlights some of the study’s key findings and presents conclusions for antisemitism-critical education.
counter it. Through the analysis of interviews with young Germans, the study examines their understanding and representations of Jews and Jewish life. It reveals that young Germans’ views are shaped by narratives of strangeness, victimhood, guilt, and criticism of antisemitism. While most of the participants express firm opposition to antisemitism, they lack experience in identifying and deconstructing it. This article highlights some of the study’s key findings and presents conclusions for antisemitism-critical education.
Antisemitism Antisemitism: Education against Attitudes to Jews Interviews Main Topic: Antisemitism Youth
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Ambivalence and Contradictions in Education against Antisemitism: Exploring the Views and Experiences of Young Germans. 2023: