“Integration”—Reflections on a European Concept of Minority Politics from a European-Jewish Perspective
Western discourse is a dominant discourse of norms that claim universal validity. At the same time, Western societies are often barely accessible to the relativity that is already subject to their own discourse within the Western canon of values. Against the backdrop of a series of recent debates and laws concerning circumcision, minarets or headscarves in France, Switzerland and Germany, the seemingly undisputed notion of “integration” as a universal means of solving problems surrounding the coexistence of majority and minority groups, must be questioned.
Link to article (paywalled), “Integration”—Reflections on a European Concept of Minority Politics from a European-Jewish Perspective
“Integration”—Reflections on a European Concept of Minority Politics from a European-Jewish Perspective. . 2019: 247-255. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1007/978-3-658-26275-4_15