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Lietuvos moksleivių nuostatos žydų atžvilgiu ir etninės tolerancijos ugdymas

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Ethnic tolerance and attitudes towards Jews of the Lithuanian high school students


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Ethnic tolerance of the Lithuanian high school students aged at 16-17 as well as antisemitism in their attitudes towards Jews is analysed in the article on the basis of survey data. Incoherence is felt in many students' tolerance attitudes. Only active tolerance is related to "genuine", coherent non-antisemitsm. Among two types of antisemitic stereotypes and prejudices the few students accept traditional political antisemitism, but the antisemitic stereotypes of Holocaust history in Lithuania arc accepted in a bigger proportion. The effects of the participation of the schools in the Tolerance education projects and initiatives on the students' tolerance attitudes and antisemitic stereotypes in their attitudes towards Jews are analysed as well.



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Bibliographic Information

Šutinienė, Irena Lietuvos moksleivių nuostatos žydų atžvilgiu ir etninės tolerancijos ugdymas. Jaunimas ir šiuolaikinis pasaulis: socialinių patirčių įžvalgos / sudarytojas ir atsakingasis redaktorius Valdas Pruskus. Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla. 2008: 69-98.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-3626