Polticized memory in Poland: anti-communism and the Holocaust
In this article, I trace how political and intellectual elites in contemporary Poland weave the stories of the recent past, paying particular attention to narratives of Polish-Jewish relations and imbrications with communism. I first outline the three main narrations of the past and identify their divergent themes; I then specify their consonant and similar motifs. I demonstrate that despite differences, all major political actors conflate communism with Jewishness and circulate the myth of Żydokomuna. In so doing, they discursively establish the symmetry of suffering between the groups, and they affect the way contemporary Poles remember the Holocaust.
Antisemitism Communism Holocaust Holocaust Commemoration Jewish - Non - Jewish Relations Main Topic: Holocaust and Memorial Memory
Link to article (paywalled), Polticized memory in Poland: anti-communism and the Holocaust
Polticized memory in Poland: anti-communism and the Holocaust. 2019: 351-376. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/17504902.2019.1567669