Antisemitism 2.0 and the Cyberculture of Hate: Hostility towards Jews as a cultural constant and collective emotional value in the digital age (short version)
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How does antisemitism manifest itself in the 21st century? How, where and by whom is anti-Jewish content expressed and disseminated? Which stereotypes are therein encoded, which arguments put forward? What role do emotions and irrational affect logic play in present-day attitudinal and verbalized antisemitism? To what extent has the Internet accelerated the spread and intensification of antisemitism? How can modern manifestations of hatred against Jews be recorded, classified and explained in academic terms? The long-term study, conducted within the framework of empirical research into antisemitism focusing on the articulation, perpetuation, dissemination and manifestation of hatred against Jews in the Internet, has addressed these issues and conducted quantitively
extensive and detailed content-related research.
extensive and detailed content-related research.
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Bibliographic Information
Antisemitism 2.0 and the Cyberculture of Hate: Hostility towards Jews as a cultural constant and collective emotional value in the digital age (short version). 2018: