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The »Spectral Turn« Jewish Ghosts in the Polish Post-Holocaust Imaginaire

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Over the last decades, studies on cultural memory have taken a "spectral turn" and have explored the potential of haunting metaphors for addressing past instances of violence that affect present cultural realities. This book contributes to the discussions on haunting by enquiring into its culturally and historically located modality: the emergence of the figure of the Jewish ghost in contemporary Polish popular culture, literature and critical art. Gathering contributions from an interdisciplinary group of scholars, it locates this new interest in Jewish ghosts on the map of other Polish (and Jewish) ghostologies and seeks to explore their cultural and political functions in the Polish post-Holocaust imaginaire.




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Link to article (paywalled), The »Spectral Turn« Jewish Ghosts in the Polish Post-Holocaust Imaginaire

Bibliographic Information

The »Spectral Turn« Jewish Ghosts in the Polish Post-Holocaust Imaginaire. Transcript. 2019:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.14361/9783839436295