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British Jewry since Emancipation 


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This is a comprehensive history of the Jews of the United Kingdom since emancipation in the mid-nineteenth century until the summer of 2013. Originally conceived as a natural sequel to the History of the Jews in England, by Dr Cecil Roth, which ended with the granting of full political equality in 1858, it is also an important onward departure from Professor Alderman’s previous work, Modern British Jewry.

Here Geoffrey Alderman takes the story forward, from an examination of the social structure and economic base of Jewish communities in Victorian England, through the great immigrations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the development of the Zionist movement in Britain, to address contemporary history and issues. 



Geographic Coverage

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Bibliographic Information

Alderman, Geoffrey British Jewry since Emancipation . University of Buckingham Press. 2014:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk61