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Locating Jews by ethnicity: a reply to D. Voas (2007), ‘Estimating the Jewish Undercount in the 2001 Census: A Comment on Graham and Waterman (2005) “Underenumeration of the Jewish Population in the UK 2001 Census”’


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The inclusion of identity questions in censuses opens up new and complex horizons for quantitative analysis. In this Reply we examine these difficulties, especially those associated with the enumeration and interpretation of such data. We present Census data to illustrate these problems and which support the claim that many Jews in Britain identify not only by religion but also, or instead, by ethnicity. 



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Locating Jews by ethnicity: a reply to D. Voas (2007), ‘Estimating the Jewish Undercount in the 2001 Census: A Comment on Graham and Waterman (2005) “Underenumeration of the Jewish Population in the UK 2001 Census”

Bibliographic Information

Graham, David, Waterman, Stanley Locating Jews by ethnicity: a reply to D. Voas (2007), ‘Estimating the Jewish Undercount in the 2001 Census: A Comment on Graham and Waterman (2005) “Underenumeration of the Jewish Population in the UK 2001 Census”’. Population, Space and Place. 2007: 409-414.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk50