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Jewish Community Education: Continuity and Renewal Initiatives in British Jewry 1991-2000


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In the 1990s, the leadership of organised, mainstream British Jewry was preoccupied with the 
challenge of Jewish continuity. Essentially, there were two narratives: a dominant one 
emphasising the dangers of assimilation and the decline of the community and a second, 
emerging narrative highlighting opportunities for, and indicators of, revival. During 1991-
2000, attempts were made to establish a centrally-coordinated, national framework for 
mainstream Jewry: this inquiry focused upon Jewish Continuity (1993-98) and UJIA Jewish 
Renewal (1997-2000 – it continued to operate thereafter).  



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Jewish community education: continuity and renewal initiatives in British Jewry 1991-2000 

Bibliographic Information

Graham, Roy Jewish Community Education: Continuity and Renewal Initiatives in British Jewry 1991-2000. University of Huddersfield. 2011:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk28