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Az élők háza: A közösségi emlékezet valós és virtuális terei a makói izraelita temetők példáján

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Beth-chaim (The house of Life). Real and Virtual Places of Collective Memory in Jewish Cemeteries of Makó


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We settle in an environment and regard it as ours by way of attributing meaning to its elements. At times, we attribute several different meanings to the same spaces. Present paper studies the representations of the community of Makó. A traditional community whose members were forced to emigrate and which has since then thoroughly changed is recorded, reformulated and preserved by selective means of globalised mass communication. The digital-visual representation – which in itself represents the thorough change of globalizing communication – used by a community emphasizing its traditionalism becomes a part of its answer to change, as a guarantee of immutability. Selecting and using new means and phenomena in maintaining tradition in a globalised context – with help of technology, mass communication and public transport – helps bridging and connecting disintegrated spaces. Photos sent attached to email circulars and preserved in a digital form strengthen the feeling of belonging to community, at the same time eliminating the distance in time and space between members of the community.



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Az élők háza: A közösségi emlékezet valós és virtuális terei a makói izraelita temetők példáján

Bibliographic Information

Glässer, Norbert Az élők háza: A közösségi emlékezet valós és virtuális terei a makói izraelita temetők példáján. Fórum Társadalomtudományi szemle. 2011: 47-56.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-hun43