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Anti‐Semitic Attitudes in Europe: A Comparative Perspective


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The article uses available survey data to depict the depth and spread of anti‐Semitic attitudes across Europe. The main assumption is that European anti‐Semitism, both currently and historically, is closely tied to issues and crises of national self‐identification; for this reason, social identity theory is employed to study the varying configurations of anti‐Semitic prejudice. In most European countries, Jews are a small and socially integrated minority. Attitudes toward them are determined less by concrete experiences of cultural differences, or conflicts over scarce resources, but rather by a perceived threat to the national self‐image. This leads to an accentuation of the pertinent prejudices that blame Jews to be responsible for that threat. This perspective brings to light considerable differences between Eastern and Western Europe and the continuing influence of national traditions.



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Link to article (paywalled), Anti‐Semitic Attitudes in Europe: A Comparative Perspective

Bibliographic Information

Bergmann, Werner Anti‐Semitic Attitudes in Europe: A Comparative Perspective. Journal of Social Issues. 2008: 343-362.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1111/j.1540-4560.2008.00565.x