‘Part of the Civilized World Community’: Holocaust in Historical Politics of the Unrecognized Republics of Transnistria and Donbas
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Based on an analysis of history textbooks and commemorative declarations on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the paper argues that the leadership of the unrecognized republics of Transnistria and Donbas has instrumentalized Holocaust remembrance to legitimize their regimes internally and externally. The use of the Holocaust in historical politics allowed the secessionist regimes to portray themselves as opponents of radical nationalism and representatives of the multi-ethnic population of Transnistria and Donbas. In external relations, the secessionist leaders have used Holocaust commemorations as a tool for self-positioning within international ‘memory wars,’ and as a channel for the consolidation of the ‘civilized’ image of unrecognized republics and the extension of international contacts. Despite a quite similar discourse on the Holocaust, the aims of the instrumentalization of the Holocaust in historical politics have differed in certain respects due to the dissimilar challenges faced by the Transnistrian and Donbas unrecognized republics.
Holocaust Commemoration Holocaust Education Curriculum and Schoolbooks Main Topic: Holocaust and Memorial Nationalism
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Bibliographic Information
‘Part of the Civilized World Community’: Holocaust in Historical Politics of the Unrecognized Republics of Transnistria and Donbas. 2024: 215-237. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/17449057.2022.2150397