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Jewish voting intentions on the eve of the 2024 UK General Election


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On the eve of the 2024 UK General Election, national polls show the Labour Party ahead of the
Conservative Party by 20 percentage points. An average of polls at the time of publication has Labour
at 41.9% and Conservatives at 22.2%, with Reform UK at 15.0%, well ahead of the Liberal Democrats,
Greens, Scottish National Party (SNP), Plaid Cymru and other parties. These polls do not, however,
show the voting intention of Jewish people in the UK. The JPR Research Panel provides the research
infrastructure to gather nationally representative data about Jewish people’s behaviours and attitudes
on a wide range of social and political issues. This paper presents initial data on voting intentions for
4 July 2024, based on 2,717 UK-based Jewish adults who responded to a survey between 14-20 June



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Link to article including link to pdf, Jewish voting intentions on the eve of the 2024 UK General Election

Bibliographic Information

Lessof, Carli, Boyd, Jonathan Jewish voting intentions on the eve of the 2024 UK General Election. Institute for Jewish Policy Research. 2024:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-4171