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Judaizmus v tradícii a súčasnosti

Translated Title

Judaism in tradition and the present


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Autor o svojej najnovšej knihe hovorí: S rôznymi aspektami židovskej problematiky sa stretávam prakticky od narodenia. Napriek tomu sa táto kniha nezakladá na spomienkach a tradíciách našej rodiny, hoci miestami určite preblesnú na povrch. Na základe dlhodobých výskumov židovskej komunity sa pokúsim priblížiť , ako sa vyvíjal individuálny a inštitucionálny vzťah k judaizmu od príchodu slávneho rabína Chatama Sofera do Bratislavy začiatkom 19. storočia až do súčasnosti. Dôraz pritom kladiem na situáciu po holokauste, pretože táto tragédia zásadne ovplyvnila ľudí, ktorí ju prežili. Zaujíma ma ich postoj k viere, čo zo svojej minulosti (ne)odovzdali potomkom, ale aj zmeny, ktoré priniesol november 1989

Translated Abstract

The author says of his latest book: I have encountered various aspects of Jewish issues from birth. Nevertheless, this book is not based on the memories and traditions of our family, although in some places they will certainly come to the surface. Based on long-term research of the Jewish community, I will try to approach how the individual and institutional relationship to Judaism has evolved since the arrival of the famous Rabbi Chatam Sofer in Bratislava in the early 19th century to the present. At the same time, I emphasize the situation after the Holocaust, because this tragedy has fundamentally affected the people who survived it. I am interested in their attitude to the faith that they (not) passed on from their past to their descendants, but also the changes that November 1989 brought.



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Worldcat Record


PDF (via academia.edu), Judaizmus v tradícii a súčasnosti

Bibliographic Information

Salner, Peter Judaizmus v tradícii a súčasnosti. VEDA. 2019:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2698