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Antisemitic Acts and Attitudes in Contemporary France: The Effects on French Jews


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Threats and violence from radicalized Islamists have led to heightened security measures for Jewish organizations in France. French soldiers are protecting Jewish schools, kindergartens, community centers, and other Jewish institutions. In addition to terrorism, there are a number of other factors that have led to increased antisemitism in France. This article discusses data on antisemitic incidents and surveys on antisemitic attitudes in France. While there is a clear rise in antisemitic incidents, the trend in antisemitic attitudes is less clear. Levels of antisemitic attitudes are particularly high among Muslims, the far-right, and also the far-left, but not necessarily among the general French population. However, the rise of antisemitism has hit observant Jews more than non-observant Jews and it has led to changes in behavior, including in the display of religious signs and avoidance of places of worship. Many French Jews today question their future in France.



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Bibliographic Information

Jikeli, Günther Antisemitic Acts and Attitudes in Contemporary France: The Effects on French Jews. Antisemitism Studies. 2018: 297-320.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.2979/antistud.2.2.06