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From Local Community to Glocal Network: Place, Memory, and Identity Politics among the “Jews of Trikala” and Their Diaspora (Greece)


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In this paper I present some initial findings from my multilocal ethnographic and ethnohistorical research on the “Trikalan Jews”, i.e. Jews living in or originating from Trikala, a city in the Thessaly region of central Greece. In particular, my research focuses on two axes: the historical processes of community formation and its social transition after World War II as well as the recent sense of belonging of the potential members of that “community” and the ways they experience and negotiate their collective memory and identity. On a theoretical level, the first hypothesis grounded in the field is that the “community” tends to appropriate/be appropriated by subjects who currently live “elsewhere”. In this sense, it is reproduced as a glocal network in which Jewishness and locality are interconnected, experienced, and performed in multiple, fluid, and often fragmented ways. On a methodological level, my research is based on the fundamental techniques of ethnographic and ethnohistorical research which have been adapted to the conditions and restraints of a multilocal field.



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Tis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 PL License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/), which permits redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, provided that the article is properly cited

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Bibliographic Information

Spyros, Theodoros A. From Local Community to Glocal Network: Place, Memory, and Identity Politics among the “Jews of Trikala” and Their Diaspora (Greece). Colloquia Humanistica. 2019: 247-280.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.11649/ch.2019.015