The Left, the Right, Christians, Muslims and Detractors of Israel: Who is Antisemitic in Great Britain in the Early 21st Century?
The Left, the Right, Christians and Muslims—are they antisemitic and how do they compare? In what way are anti-Israelism and other political convictions related to the contemporary antisemitism? This paper provides numerical answers to these questions in the context of Great Britain—a low-antisemitism country.
Antisemitism Antisemitism: Far right Antisemitism: Left-Wing Antisemitism: Muslim Israel Criticism Main Topic: Antisemitism Surveys Antisemitism: Attitude Surveys
Link to article (paywalled), The Left, the Right, Christians, Muslims and Detractors of Israel: Who is Antisemitic in Great Britain in the Early 21st Century?
The Left, the Right, Christians, Muslims and Detractors of Israel: Who is Antisemitic in Great Britain in the Early 21st Century?. 2020: