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“Please protect the Jews”: Ideology and Concealment in the Britain First Solidarity Patrol


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This research examined Facebook comments in response to Britain First’s ‘solidarity patrol’ video, in which Britain First is shown patrolling in Golders Green, North London, ostensibly to show support for the Jewish community after the shooting in the Kosher supermarket in Paris following the Charlie Hebdo attack. A Critical Discursive Psychological analysis was conducted on comments. Initial comments were identified as showing support and gratitude towards Britain First; however, comments became progressively anti-Semitic (e.g. by posing the rhetorical question, what benefits have Jews brought to Britain?). Results are discussed in terms of how Britain First has managed to achieve anti-Islamic rhetoric whilst trying to maintain support from the mainstream. This research has identified that discussions on Facebook have transitioned from Jews being constructed as vulnerable at the hands of Islamic extremism, to Jews being problematic and the aggressors.



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Page Number / Article Number

134 - 155


Link to article (paywalled), “Please protect the Jews”: Ideology and Concealment in the Britain First Solidarity Patrol
Link to download in university repository, “Please protect the Jews”: Ideology and Concealment in the Britain First Solidarity Patrol

Bibliographic Information

Burke, Shani “Please protect the Jews”: Ideology and Concealment in the Britain First Solidarity Patrol. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict. 2017: 134 - 155.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-1285