Stačí len kliknúť myšou. Antisemiti na Slovensku - subkultúra stretávajúca sa na internete.
Translated Title
Just click the mouse. Anti-Semites in Slovakia - a subculture meeting on the Internet
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Paper analyses what role recent anti-Semitism plays in societal and political discourse. Although antisemitism is not widely perceived as a hot issue in Slovakia bearing in mind marginal position of openly antisemitic groups, it plays a role of exclusion and disqualification of liberal elites fostering liberal democratic regime and multicultural society. On the example of several Jewish and non-Jewish public entrepreneurs author analyses in what extent anti-Semitism plays and important role in a battle for the open society and how it is interconnected with anti-globalism, anti-Americanism, and anti-westernism. Author concludes that de-judaized perspective of anti-Semitism and even of Jews themselves in a Sartre s sense is remaining one of the greatest challenges for sociologists researching antisemitism in Slovakia.
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Bibliographic Information
Stačí len kliknúť myšou. Antisemiti na Slovensku - subkultúra stretávajúca sa na internete.. . 2007: 387-394.