Being Jewish (and) in Love Two and a Half Stories about Jews, Germans and Love
What does it mean to be in search of love as a young Jewish adult in Germany? How are closeness and distance experienced, negotiated and shaped in romantic encounters? In which contexts could it matter if the other person is Jewish? In the book, the author discusses these questions with the help of two stories of young Jewish adults. Based on biographical interviews, the author gives an insight into the complexity of the social, emotional and biographical dimensions that are negotiated with the desire for a love relationship. Interwoven with this, the author uses autoethnographic fragments to reflect her own history and positioning as non-Jewish majority German and the ethical questions that arise for her research and writing.
Jewish Identity Main Topic: Identity and Community Jewish - Non - Jewish Relations Body Singles Young Adults / Emerging Adulthood Gender
Jüdischsein, Deutschsein, Verliebtsein. Eine Untersuchung von Liebesbeziehungen junger jüdischer Erwachsener in Deutschland (Original language edition)
Living and Loving Jews in the German Present: Jewish Life Beyond the Past, and Beyond Antisemitism (Response)
Living and Loving Jews in the German Present: Jewish Life Beyond the Past, and Beyond Antisemitism (Response)
Being Jewish (and) in Love Two and a Half Stories about Jews, Germans and Love. . 2020: